Community Pharmacy And Management Assignment – PHARMA PUSH Pharma Push ia a Professional Educational Plateform. Here we will provide you Pharma related information.. Tue, 31 Dec 2024 02:45:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Community Pharmacy And Management Assignment – PHARMA PUSH 32 32 Overview on the medications requiring special storage conditions Tue, 31 Dec 2024 02:45:35 +0000 ABSTRACT This study emphasizes the importance of proper storage of pharmaceuticals in pharmacy premises till it reaches the consumer. The ... Read more

<p>The post Overview on the medications requiring special storage conditions first appeared on PHARMA PUSH.</p>


This study emphasizes the importance of proper storage of pharmaceuticals in pharmacy premises till it reaches the consumer. The loss of potency during storage may influence the efficacy and safety of pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceutical products require controlled storage and transit conditions in order to ensure that their quality is not compromised. Storage is an important aspect of the total drug control system. Proper environmental control (i.e., proper temperature, light, and humidity, conditions of sanitation, ventilation, and segregation) must be maintained wherever drugs and supplies are stored in the premises.


Drug storage is among the pharmacist’s most important responsibilities. Therefore, adequate methods to assure that these responsibilities are met must be developed and implemented. The pharmaceutical are to be stored under conditions that prevent contamination and, as far as possible, deterioration. The stability of product retain within the specified limit, throughout it period of storage and use. Precautions that should be taken in relation to the effects of the atmosphere, moisture, heat and light are indicated. During storage of the pharmaceutical products is one of the fundamental concerns in patient care. The conditions under which pharmaceutical products are manufactured and stored can have a major impact on their quality. High temperature and relative humidity (RH) are the most important factors involved in drug degradation.

Factors such as temperature, humidity, air quality, time and production process characteristics can all have a significant impact on the final quality, and therefore the saleability, of a product or batch of products. For many products requiring storage in cool conditions, refrigeration plant is widely used, which needs to be carefully monitored to ensure that the correct temperatures are maintained. Stock must be stored in appropriate and auditable environmental conditions.

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    Appropriate conditions of light, humidity, ventilation, temperature and security should be ensured. All medicinal products must be stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions and within the terms of product authorizations. Pharmacy stock should be stored under suitable conditions, appropriate to the nature and stability of the product concerned4. Particular attention should be paid to protection from contamination, sunlight, UV rays, moisture, atmospheric moisture and extreme temperatures. During storage, medicines should be retained in the manufacturer’s original packaging. Good storage practice is applicable in all circumstances where pharmaceutical products are stored throughout distribution process.

    Pharmaceutical products should be packed in a well closed container that protects the contents from contamination by extraneous solids, liquids or vapors and the loss of the products under normal conditions of handling and storage. The following factors to be taken in consideration for proper storage:

    1. Sanitation
    2. Temperature
    3. Light
    4. Moisture
    5. Ventilation
    6. Segregation

    Different pharmaceutical product storage temperature on the basis of stability studies as given below:
    Freezer: A place in which the temperature is maintained thermostatically between -25ºC and – 10ºC (-13ºF and -14ºF).
    Cold: Any temperature not exceeding 8ºC (46ºF). A refrigerator is a cold place in which the temperature is maintained thermostatically between 2ºC and 8ºC.


    Any temperature between 8ºC and 15ºC. Any pharmaceutical products for which storage in a cool place directed may, alternatively, be stored in a refrigerator, unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph. Good storage practice (GSP) is applicable in all circumstances where pharmaceutical products are stored through the distribution processes. For additional guidelines relating the general principles of storage of pharmaceutical products, refer to the WHO guidelines on good storage practices.


    Storage conditions for pharmaceutical products and materials should be in compliance with the labelling, which is based on the results of stability testing Storage conditions should be defined and described on the label of the product. All drugs should be stored according to the conditions described on the label. When specified on the label, controls for humidity, light, etc., should be in place. Storage areas should be designed or adapted to ensure good storage conditions. The label should specify any special storage conditions required for the product. Written procedures should be available describing the actions to be taken in the event of temperature excursions outside the labeled storage conditions.

    All excursions outside the labeled storage conditions must be appropriately investigated and the disposition of the stock in question must be evidence-based (for example, stability data and technical justification). Stability testing thus evaluates the effect of environmental factors on the quality of the a drug substance or a formulated product which is utilized for prediction of its shelf life, Determine proper storage conditions and suggest labeling instructions.

    Storage of Tablet
    Storage on label: Store in a cool, protected from light and moisture. Store in a cool and dark place, protected from light and moisture. Keep in a dry dark place. Store in cool dry and dark place.

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    Storage of Capsule
    Storage on label: Store in a cool and dry place, protected from light.

    1. Storage of Emulsion: An emulsion should be stored in air tight container, protected from light, high temperature or freezing. The emulsions are required to be in cool place.
    2. Storage of Suspension: Suspension should be stored in a cool place but not be kept in a refrigerator. Freezing at a very low temperature should be avoided which may lead to aggregation of the suspended particles.
      • Storage on label: Store in cool and dry place, protect from heat and light. Store in a cool and dark place, protect from direct sun light. Keep in dry place at a temperature not exceeding 30 ºC. keep the bottle tightly closed. Store below 25 ºC, protected from moisture. Store at temperature not exceeding 30 ºC, protect from light.
    3. Storage of Ointment: Ointment should be stored in well closed container so as to prevent the loss of volatile constituents. The ointment should be protected from high temperature or direct sunlight.
      • Storage on label: Keep in a cool place.
    4. Storage of syrup: The syrup should be stored in well closed and stopper bottle in a cool dark place. The syrup should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25ºC.
      • Storage on label: Store in cool, dry and dark place. Store in a cool and dry place, protected from light. Store in a cool place, protected from direct sunlight.
    5. Storage of injection
      • Storage on label: Store below 30ºC, protected from light. Store below 25ºC, protected from light.

    Drugs products that must be stored under defined conditions require appropriate storage instructions. Unless otherwise specified stated deviation may be tolerated only during short term interruptions. Improper storage of insulin decreases the potency and hence the pharmacological action of insulin. Patients should be educated on the proper methods of storage. Insulin is one such labile drug, sensitive to extreme temperatures and sunlight and hence needs to be stored under refrigeration between 2- 8°C.

    Containers and Container Labeling

    1. Any controlled transport and/or storage conditions as well as warning statements (for example, “Time and Temperature Sensitive”, “Do Not Freeze”) should be clearly stated on the label applied to shipping containers. This label should be securely affixed and indelible. The label and shipping documents should clearly state that these products should be transferred without delay to the specified storage temperature upon receipt.
    2. Shipping containers should be qualified to meet the expected extremes of ambient temperature within the distribution environment, if they provide the primary means of environmental control for the drug product.
    3. Selection of a shipping container and/or box should be based on:
      • The space required for the volume of drugs to be transported.
      • The anticipated extremes of ambient temperature.
      • The estimated maximum length of time required for transportation of the drugs, including any in transit storage.
    4. When warm/cold packs are placed in containers used to transport drugs:
      • The type, size and number of packs should correspond to the shipping duration and temperature needed.
      • The location of the packs should ensure that the entire shipment of the product is maintained within the labeled storage conditions.
      • Adequate barrier materials should be used to prevent contact between the packs and the products, if the packs are at a temperature outside the range acceptable for product storage.
    5. The use of dry ice in the transportation of drugs must not adversely affect the drug product or the primary package and must be handled in accordance with the indication.
    6. Temperature monitoring devices or temperature indicators should be used when appropriate. If temperature excursions outside predetermined temperature conditions, as per the labelled storage conditions occur, these excursions must be assessed and documented to determine product disposition. Corrective action should be implemented where necessary and documented. Clear directions should be provided to the recipient for the evaluation of monitoring devices/indicators and disposition of the products.

    Storage Area

    1. Storage areas should be of sufficient capacity to allow the orderly storage of the various categories products, namely bulk and finished products, products in quarantine, and eleased, rejected, returned or recalled products.
    2. Storage areas should be designed or adapted to ensure good storage conditions. In particular, they should be clean and dry and maintained within acceptable temperature limits. Where special storage conditions are required on the label (e.g. temperature, relative humidity), these should be provided, checked.
    3. Pharmaceutical products should be stored off the floor and suitably spaced to permit cleaning and inspection.
    4. A written sanitation programme should be available indicating the frequency of cleaning and the methods to be used to clean the premises and storage areas.
    5. Pharmaceutical products should be handled and stored in such a manner as to prevent contamination, mix-ups and cross-contamination.
    6. Narcotic drugs should be stored in compliance with international conventions, and national laws and regulations on narcotics.
    7. Radioactive materials, dangerous drugs, psychotropic substances, and cytotoxic drugs should be stored in dedicated areas that are subject to appropriate additional safety and security measures.

    Temperature-controlled storage

    Pharmaceutical manufacturers have long realized the importance of a robust and efficient, temperature controlled supply chain. In some areas, notably in the storage of pharmaceutical products, it has been necessary for the regulatory authorities to introduce guidelines or legislation to ensure compliance to temperature limits. The storage environment needs to be temperature-mapped and have relevant controls in place to avoid extremes of temperature. Probes monitoring the environmental conditions need to be calibrated to a certified internal standard and be regularly checked and maintained to ensure continued accuracy of data recorded. Time and temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical product (TTSPP) which, when not stored or transported within predefined environmental conditions and/or within predefined time limits, is degraded to the extent that it no longer performs as originally intended.


    accines are expensive and fragile, and storing them at the proper temperature is essential to providing effective immunizations. The vaccines should always be stored in their original packaging until point of use to protect them from light. Immunization programs have had a major impact on the health status of the world’s population by preventing many cases of infectious diseases through immunization. The vaccine temperature must be maintained in an insulated container between +2ºC to +8ºC at all times. Vaccine storage and handling are key components in maintaining the efficacy of immunization programs. Cold chain refers to the process used to maintain optimal conditions during the transport, storage, and handling of vaccines, starting at the manufacturer and with administration of the vaccine.

    The optimum temperature for refrigerated vaccines is between 2°C and 8°C. For frozen vaccines the optimum temperature is –15°C or In addition, protection from light is a necessary condition for some vaccines. Vaccines are sensitive biological products that may be less effective, or even destroyed, when exposed to temperatures outside the recommended range. Vaccines exposed to temperatures above or below the recommended temperature range experience some loss of potency with each episode of exposure. All vaccines have a predetermined shelf life and the potency of vaccines is guaranteed by the manufacturers up to the expiry date as stated on the product, if stored within the safe temperature range of between 2ºC and 8ºC.

    In general, there are two types of vaccines: live attenuated and inactivated. Live attenuated vaccines consist of a weakened form of the virus itself. They are easily damaged or destroyed by heat and light, making it even more important that they be stored and handled with extreme care.


    The pharmaceutical products storing and distributing environmentally sensitive product focus is to provide cold chain management for temperature pharmaceuticals to ensure that the quality and efficacy of the product will not be compromised. All vaccines are sensitive biological substances and all will lose their potency that is, there ability to give protection against disease with time. This loss of potency accelerates as vaccines are exposed to higher or lower temperatures. In order to, maintain their quality, all vaccines must be continuously stored within the appropriate temperature range from the time they are manufactured until the moment of use. Ones vaccines potency is lost, it cannot be regained or restored and without proper care, any vaccines may eventually lose all its potency. When vaccines lose potency, they can no longer protect individual from disease.

    The vaccine will lose it potency faster if stored in unfavourable conditions. It is therefore to store at the correct recommended temperature so that full potency is retained till its administration or expiry date.

    Vaccines are sensitive to heat and freezing and must be kept at the correct temperature from the time they are manufactured until they are used. The system used for keeping and distributing vaccines in good condition is called the cold chain. The cold chain consists of a series of storage and transport links, all designed to keep vaccines within an acceptable range until it reaches the user.

    The success of any immunization programme depends on administering effective vaccines. Vaccines quickly lose effectiveness if they get too hot or cold during transport and storage. It is therefore essential to maintain an unbroken cold chain for the vaccines from the point of manufacture, during transport and during storage in a refrigerator until they are used to vaccinate someone. accines should always be stored in trays in the middle of the refrigerator or freezer, never in the doors. The reason for this is that items stored in the door are frequently exposed to warm temperatures when the unit is opened.


    All cold chain equipment has to comply with a set of performance standards defined by the WHO EPI program and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), or national policy. Only proven methods should be used to transport or store vaccines: for example, insulated containers proven through electronic temperature logging as reliable in maintaining the recommended temperature (solid wall transport containers, double walled transport containers and polystyrene containers).

    Vaccine Cold boxes

    A cold box is an insulated container that can be lined with ice-packs to keep vaccines and diluents cold during transportation and/or short period storage (from two to seven days). Cold boxes are used to collect and transport monthly vaccine supplies from district stores to the health facility. They are also used to store vaccines when the refrigerator is out of order or being defrosted and for outreach and mobile sessions in addition to vaccine carriers. Different models of cold boxes have different vaccine storage capacities.

    Health facilities usually need one or more cold boxes that can hold:

    1. A one-month supply of vaccines and diluents
    2. A one–to–two week reserve stock of vaccines and diluents.

    In addition to their vaccine storage capacity, cold boxes are selected according to their cold life. Different models have a cold life of two to seven days depending on the temperature outside.


    It contains a chemical that becomes darker in response to heat over time. This indicator is printed as a small square against a larger circular background, which itself has a pre-printed reference colour. The colour of the preprinted background square can also be increased or decreased. As a result, the VVM can be set to approximately track the time-temperature sensitivity curve of materials. This permits minor breaks in the cold chain to be accommodated without undue vaccine wastage and ensures that heat- compromised vaccine is “flagged” to be discarded.

    A VVM is a low cost indicator that is printed onto the label of a vaccine vial, attached to the vaccine vial cap, or affixed on the ampoule neck. The indicator changes color when the vial has been exposed to warm temperature over an extended period of time. The VVM does not measure the actual potency of the vaccine inside the vial but instead indicates if unacceptable heat exposure has occurred and probably damaged the vaccine in that specific vial.


    Maintaining proper storage conditions at hospital and community pharmacies is essential to reduce such impact caused by environmental factors. The pharmaceutical products were found to retain their potency when stored in pharmacies having good storage facilities. Hence the regulatory authorities and pharmaceutical organizations should highlight the importance of maintaining good storage conditions in hospital and community pharmacies. All vaccines are sensitive biological substances which are susceptible to heat, light and/or freezing. They will lose their potency with time but this becomes more rapid if vaccines are not continuously stored at the temperature appropriate for them from the time they are manufactured till the time of use.


    1. Bajaj S, Singla D, Sakhuja N. Stability testing of Pharmaceutical products, J. of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, Vol. 02(03), 2012, 129-138.
    2. Kiron SS, Shirwaikar A, Saritha M. Influence of storage conditions on the potency of amoxicillin dispersible tablets stored in hospital and community pharmacies in different regions of kerala, Asian J. Pharm Clin Res, Vol 4, Issue 3, 2011, 101-102.
    3. Kommanaboyina B, Rhodes CT. Trends in stability testing, with emphasis on stability during distribution and storage, Drug Dev Ind Pharm, 1999, 25: 857–868.
    4. Sanjay Bajaj, Dinesh Singla and Neha Sakhuja. Stability Testing of Pharmaceutical Products, J. of Applied Pharm. Science 02 (03), 2012, 129-138.
    5. Central Drugs Standard Control Organization. Guidelines on good distribution practices for pharmaceutical products, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, 2013, Directorate General of Health Services.
    6. Shultz J, Harvie M, McDonald D, Manley J, Cole M. Standardizing the storage and labelling of medications: Part 2. Can J. Hosp Pharm, 2007, 60(3), 101-104.
    7. WHO expert committee on specification for pharmaceutical preparations. Thirty seventh report, Geneva, world health organization, 2003, WHO technical report series, no. 908, Annex 9.
    8. Vimalavathini R, Gitanjali B. Effect of temperature on the potency & pharmacological action of insulin. Indian J. Med. Res 130, August 2009, 166-169.
    9. World Health Organization. Guide to good storage practices for pharmaceuticals, WHO Technical Report Series, No. 908, 2003, Annex 9.

    <p>The post Overview on the medications requiring special storage conditions first appeared on PHARMA PUSH.</p>

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    Preparation of window or shelf display materials for the model community pharmacy Sun, 29 Dec 2024 19:07:48 +0000 Abstract The historical preview of health and technology has a great impact on Human existence. Drug Discovery and development and ... Read more

    <p>The post Preparation of window or shelf display materials for the model community pharmacy first appeared on PHARMA PUSH.</p>


    The historical preview of health and technology has a great impact on Human existence. Drug Discovery and development and how the drug are being handled in a society and two different domain of pharmacy. A brief history of advent of pharmacy profession is being discussed here to give a clarification for readers. The evaluation of pharmacy from manufacturing to patient centric care path explains the multiple role of pharmacist.

    A community pharmacy is a healthcare facility that is able to provide pharmacy services to people in a local area. A community pharmacy dispenses medicine, typically involving a registered pharmacist with the education, skill and competence to deliver professional service to he community.


    A community pharmacy, often referred to retail pharmacy or retail drug outlets is places where medicines are stored and dispensed supplied or sold. The general population usually calls community pharmacist “medical stores.” Pharmacists working in the community practice setting are either diploma pharmacists or graduate pharmacists with B. Pharm degrees. Throughout this paper the word “Pharmacist” has been used to describe both types. Pharmacists are registered under the clause (i) and section (ii) the Pharmacy Act 1948, and their presence is legally required during the dispensing and selling of medicines according to Rule 65 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 1945.

    The public perception of community pharmacy and the pharmacist is very weak. The general population considers community pharmacists as drug traders and obviously not better than the general store owners. Consumers and patients consider a visit to the medical store to purchase drugs in much same way they consider a visit to a grocery to buy food items. The educated people consider the retail pharmacist as a person who has acquired a drug licence to supply the medicines or a grocer who deals in medicines. They think anyone in our country can open a stationary shop and a medical store (i.e. pharmacy) also.

    Preparation of shelf display materials for the community pharmacy

    Modern Pharmacy Shelving Systems Design: If your sales have slowed down or your shelving is simply outdated, a new and modern design might be in order. However, before you make a change, there are a few considerations to keep in mind. One area to consider is product categories that aren’t moving out of the store. It’s important to ensure that products are shelved in categories, there’s ample space between brands, and there’s enough contrast between products. Next, consider how customers feel in your store. Do they feel that they can find a variety of products? Are they confident that you are focusing on their needs rather than commercial interests? Third, there’s nothing worse than a disorganized, cluttered display.

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    Making sure that your shelving is able to display products in an organized fashion will help customers more easily find the products organized fashion will help customers more easily find the products they’re searching for in an approachable way. Lastly, consider the ability to safely display controlled products without impeding your customer’s ability to see and purchase them. An innovative shelving design can do just that and even increase sales when executed properly.

    Pharmacy Fixtures Should Be Functional and Attractive: While attractive shelving is a must for your displays, that’s not the only consideration. Pharmacy fixtures should also be functional. A functional pharmacy display keeps your merchandise organized and displayed properly. One option is gondola units, which can hold almost any item effectively. Another aspect of functional shelving is that they can be used again and again. Purchasing high quality shelving units will provide you with long lasting shelving solutions. To address the attractive side of pharmacy fixtures, as we mentioned before, the way your store looks matters to customers. It affects how they feel while in the store, as they look for the items they need. And yet another aspect of making sure your fixtures look attractive your competition is focusing on this. If a competitor’s store looks and feels better for customers, they may choose your competition over you.

    Retail Pharmacy Store Design must attract and Impress: Related to functional and attractive pharmacy fixtures, retail pharmacy store designs should likewise be appealing and impressive for customers. One obvious way to improve your store’s appearance is simply to update it. An older design is noticed by customers. Consider modernizing different aspects of the store as well as switching from fluorescent lighting to soft indirect lighting. Another tip to help customers as well as sales is to ensure that products are no higher than eye level. This might mean updating your shelving so that there aren’t displays with higher shelves than others. It’s also helpful to keep in mind that your signage can clearly guide customers throughout the store and to the sections they’re searching for. Lastly, setting up your store with the product displays in mind is essential. If customers are encouraged to stroll throughout the store, they will more easily see the products you have on display and potentially find items they didn’t realize they needed.

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    How to Enhance the Design of Your Long Term Care Pharmacy: When it comes to the design of a long term care pharmacy, design needs to be approached a bit differently. Since long term care pharmacies are typically located in a hospital, nursing home, skilled nursing facility, group home, assisted living facility, or hospice, the focus is completely on the quality of care for patients. A few areas to consider for long term care pharmacies include the use of technology and pharmacy workflows. Using computers and its programs can assist with electronic drug prescribing and dispensing, while also monitoring the safety of the different medications patients are using. With automated dispensing machines, allow for secure storage of medications and also alleviate the need for manual documentation of supplies and allow for a more accurate inventory. Lastly, considering the pharmacy workflow is another key aspect of your design. Thinking about the proper placement of shelving, counters, desks, and other component fixtures will improve the efficiency of your pharmacy.

    Improve Safety and Security with Pharmacy Remodeling: The safety and security of your pharmacy design cannot be overlooked. This should affect every area of the store from doors and windows to the safe storage of narcotics in the dispensing area to shelving design. One essential way to keep your store safe is the installation and use of cameras, motion detectors, and other alarms that will notify you and authorities should a break-in occur. In order to protect customers, your pharmacy design should also take into consideration how solid and safe your fixtures are. This may also include ensuring that aisles are wide enough and products are within easy reach. Change Styles A third area to consider when it comes to safety, is the dispensing of medication. The appropriate equipment can ensure that you have a smooth and efficient workflow as well as prevent any inaccuracies. Lastly, technology that uses E-prescribing and incorporates electronic health records (EHR) can be incredibly helpful.


    As the role of pharmacists as health care providers expands, community pharmacies are providing more services to patients. While patients are generally satisfied with the services they receive from community pharmacists, their expectations are sometimes low and increase as patient exposure to advanced services increased. Pharmacists can have a greater impact on patient satisfaction through greater interpersonal skills than through the provision of new services; however, patients may be expanding their perceptions of how community pharmacists can be involved in their care beyond medication dispensing and counseling.

    <p>The post Preparation of window or shelf display materials for the model community pharmacy first appeared on PHARMA PUSH.</p>

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    Overview of Software available for retail pharmacy management including billing, inventory, etc. Fri, 27 Dec 2024 05:31:03 +0000 A pharmacy management system helps you increase customer satisfaction, maximize profitability, and run your entire pharmacy business effectively. Since billing ... Read more

    <p>The post Overview of Software available for retail pharmacy management including billing, inventory, etc. first appeared on PHARMA PUSH.</p>

    A pharmacy management system helps you increase customer satisfaction, maximize profitability, and run your entire pharmacy business effectively. Since billing services are required for daily transactions, automation software or systems have become an essential component of pharmacy stores.

    I attempted to depict the entire idea of pharmacy management software, POS, and billing in this piece. Additionally, it demonstrated some astounding knowledge of pharmacy billing software and its advantages, including how pharmacy management software can increase productivity and improve CRM.

    What is Pharmacy Billing Software?

    Software for pharmacy management or billing provides a comprehensive system for any pharmacy or medical store. Pharmacy billing software records all of the transactions made at daily sales and helps the entire medical pharmacy shop process translations quickly and easily. Other features of pharmacy management software will also help you run your pharmacy business more effectively. requirements like inventory control, medication administration, a real-time report recording system, a module to monitor the expiration dates of medications, POS invoice management, etc.

    Pharmacy billing software, also known as medical shop billing software, streamlines your pharmacy store by automating all of the laborious tasks. The purpose of this pharmacy management system’s creation is to improve workflow management, sales report organization and recording, and medical record quality. Consequently, be able to provide each and every customer with the fastest and best service possible.

    Let’s Get Introduce With The New Flow Of Digitalization Pharmacy Billing Software

    We have witnessed a tremendous advancement in technology over the last few decades. Nowadays, technology is being used and implemented in every industry. In the medical and health fields, automation systems improve productivity and have the potential to save millions of lives. Additionally, automation has greatly increased the accuracy of repetitive and routine tasks. Additionally, POS billing machines are frequently found in restaurants and superstores, and they consistently provide us with quick, easy, and effective billing services.

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    Many people have already fallen in love with this new technology because of its quick service and effective function. Why don’t a pharmacy or medical shop integrate this POS billing automation software?

    Top 10 Remarkable Features of Pharmacy Billing Software

    The pharmacy management system incorporates pharmacy billing software. Additionally, since features are the only thing that will give your company a unique edge, you should be aware of all the features of pharmacy billing software before selecting any medical shop billing software. Consequently, assist you in managing your company more efficiently. Your pharmacy management software’s features also enable you to give your clients the greatest, fastest service possible.

    1. Data Backup System: Without an adequate management system, businesses must deal with large amounts of data, some of which are lost or records that are not properly obtained. To solve all of those issues, a unique system is therefore required. On the other hand, since a pharmacy or medical store is a place to get quick and reliable service, it needs a suitable data restoration system. The pharmacist can easily save and access all of the information, including the medications that are in stock, their expiration dates, human resource data, purchase, sales, and account data, among other information.
    2. Holds A Complete Medicine List: Because it contains the complete list of all the medications that are available in the pharmacy, a retail pharmacy billing software system or module must have a complete medicine list module. This medicine list helps a pharmacist stay informed about all the stocks available in the store, which is why this module is on the features list. Additionally, this list assists a pharmacist in providing prompt customer service and cultivating a positive relationship with their customers. In addition to the medication’s details, the medicine list module contains the manufacturer’s name, generic name, price, image, and shelf number. A pharmacist can track the precise location of the medication on the shelf in addition to determining whether it is available while providing a service.
    3. Real-Time Report Recording: In the past, people kept track of all business data, no matter how small, by recording all of their transactions in long, bulky notebooks. However, automation technology, such as the POS billing system, has gradually supplanted the business notebook since the development of some highly responsive technologies.
      As a result, the medical industry gradually embraced automation technology to provide each client with faster and better service. An entrepreneur can compute all of the expenses, revenues, and purchases made at the end of the month or year by using the real-time records of all transactions that are always kept in a business report. The owner gained the confidence to analyze the business clearly and operate it more efficiently as a result of this calculation.
    4. Dynamic POS Billing Interface: This is how the pharmacy POS software is actually visualized. As we can see, a pharmacist has the option to search in the search box in addition to choosing the medication criteria from the type of medication when billing.
      Additionally, the pharmacist only needs to enter the quantity and discount when choosing the desired medication; the red box will automatically be filled in with the price and medical information. The final amount is then given to the pharmacist. My thoughts on this Pharmacare billing software are that it’s a simple, quick, and easy billing system. There is simply no complication; everything is clear and intelligible.
    5. Account Management System: One of the key components of your pharmacy medical shop billing software is the pharmacy accounting system. Make sure the accounting module records have some attractive features, like all manufacturer payments, debit and credit vouchers, auto cash adjustments, etc., before you buy any pharmacy billing software. Additionally, this accounting module will automatically create the balance sheet, profit and loss account, trial balance, and general ledger cash flow for each transaction. You no longer need to manually calculate every transaction with the aid of pharmaceutical accounting software. All of the recorded transactions from the pharmacy’s daily operations will be obtained by this account module in a very structured and chronological manner.
    6. Barcode Verification: Another crucial component of pharmacy billing software is barcode verification. Barcode verification allows you to perform a number of tasks across the system, including POS scanning, product dispense verification, information recovery or refilling, and more. You can scan the barcode in accordance with the accepted standards if you have a barcode verification code. A barcode scanner facilitates a quick and easy billing process. In essence, barcode verification involves scanning the barcode that is printed on the product’s packaging. In a nutshell, it is a time-saving tool for all businesses.
    7. Stock Management: For a pharmacy, stock or inventory management is crucial. This feature was added to help the pharmacy business manage and organize its inventory more easily. A stock management system’s primary responsibility is to keep track of orders, supplies, and available inventory. Additionally, because of its strong automation system, it is able to record all the information, including the name of the medication, the manufacturer, the batch ID, the expiration date, the stock box, and the quantity. Additionally, stock management offers many advantages to all types of businesses. By tracking the expiration date of medications and estimating the most in-demand medications, a stock management system can notify you in advance if any inventory reaches a minimal stock.
    8. Track of Damaged and Expiring Medicine: As everyone knows, medication is necessary to recover from any illness. It’s critical to maintain precise records of any damaged or expired medications. A medication may lose its effectiveness and become dangerous to take if it is damaged or expires. Therefore, those expired medications must be destroyed by a pharmacist.
      In addition to helping you run your pharmacy effectively, the Pharmacare pharmacy management system also helps you keep track of when medications expire and let the pharmacist know when they do. Stop worrying and let Pharmacare handle all of your work; they have a dedicated module for that.
    9. Multi-Currency Support: Pharmacare is, in fact, the best billing software for medical stores. Multi-currency is one of the many useful features that allows each pharmacy management system user to match their currency and language; other features are accessible through the dynamic dashboard. This pharmacy management system can be accessed by users using their local currency and native language.
    10. Human Resource Management: Keeping track of and recording all employee data falls under the purview of a management system when it comes to implementing one for your pharmacy. Information about daily activities, payroll, attendance, expenses, and designations, among other things. As a result, it is simple to track and monitor the accuracy of each employee’s workflow and conduct a thorough evaluation at the end of the year.

    Almost 77% Of The Pharmacist Gets Success After Shifting To Automation Technology.

    Many pharmacists continue to use outdated methods for billing and management systems because they think the new automation technology will be too complex and costly for them. Every transaction is still recorded in the notebook, and at the end of each month or year, each transaction is manually calculated. This blog is devoted to individuals who continue to conduct business in a traditional manner or who are looking for automation technology to improve the efficiency of their pharmacy operations. Understanding the efficacy and efficiency of implementing pharmacy billing software is made easier by this blog. I know what you’re thinking: 77%! However, let me clarify that this is merely a supposition and a gentle reminder that people are actually implementing the pharmacy management system and reaping its benefits.

    Correct Time To Deploy A Pharmacy Management System

    There is no right or wrong time to begin a new endeavor; in fact, the best outcomes are always obtained when you begin something “RIGHT NOW.” Are you tired of your management system’s flaws, mistakes, or foolish leaks? After a lengthy wait in a long query line, did you see the expression of annoyance on your customer’s face? Customers are complaining; is this because there isn’t enough medication in stock? Do you have issues keeping your inventory, bills, reports, records, etc. organized? Therefore, I believe that now is the ideal time for you to buy pharmacy management software.As a pharmacist, you should always understand the significance of taking medications on time. Hence a fast and flexible pharmacy management software call solve all your problem:

    1. Proper pricing, billing, and payment 
    2. Organized ordering management system 
    3. Pharmacy POS billing software 
    4. Automatic records of patients records, 
    5. Stock management 


    We can all forecast how the pharmacy industry will soon turn a profit due to its consistent growth! You must thus implement intelligent pharmacy management technology to turn your company into a seamless, quick, and safe pharmacy store if you want to improve your long-term competitiveness in the market. Pharmacare will offer the most affordable pharmacy management solution with all the necessary features and advantages. Pharmacare improves workflow accuracy and helps you achieve your business objectives more effectively.

    <p>The post Overview of Software available for retail pharmacy management including billing, inventory, etc. first appeared on PHARMA PUSH.</p>

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    Overview on the operations and marketing strategies of various online pharmacies Sun, 20 Oct 2024 15:46:55 +0000 Web and e-commerce have significantly changed society, the economy, and the world of wellbeing care. The web offers openings to ... Read more

    <p>The post Overview on the operations and marketing strategies of various online pharmacies first appeared on PHARMA PUSH.</p>

    Web and e-commerce have significantly changed society, the economy, and the world of wellbeing care. The web offers openings to move forward wellbeing, but it may too speak to a enormous wellbeing risk since it is a fundamentally unregulated advertise with exceptionally moo buyer security. In this paper we analyze promoting and estimating techniques of online pharmacies.

    Our examination appears that OPs utilize procedures that would be more reasonable for a product showcase than for drugs. These techniques separate concurring to assortment (brand or nonexclusive), quality, amount, and target gather. OPs are well mindful that the vacuum in the enactment permits them to reach a target of buyers that drug stores cannot ordinarily reach, such as those who would like to utilize the sedate without counseling a physician. Internet and e-commerce have significantly changed society, the economy, and the world of wellbeing care.

    The web offers openings to move forward wellbeing, but it may too speak to a enormous wellbeing danger since it is a fundamentally unregulated advertise with exceptionally moo buyer security. In this paper we analyze promoting and estimating techniques of online pharmacies. Our examination appears that OPs utilize techniques that would be more reasonable for a product showcase than for Drugs.

    These procedures separate concurring to assortment (brand or nonexclusive), quality, amount, and target bunch. OPs are well mindful that the vacuum in the enactment permits them to reach a target of shoppers that drug stores cannot regularly reach, such as those who would like to utilize the medicate without counseling a physician.

    Internet and e-commerce have significantly changed society, the economy and the world of wellbeing care, not without moral and lawful results. Data approximately wellbeing care is far reaching, and a significant number of patients frequently utilize this device some time recently counseling a doctor and amid treatment.

    The web increments the opportunity for patients to obtain data that may be utilized either to frame an conclusion on their wellbeing status or to decrease uneasiness.

    A US overview found that 64% of the online populace had looked for wellbeing data at slightest once in the past 12 months, and a European study found 71% of Web clients had gotten to it for wellbeing purposes. “Drugs” (requiring medicine or over the counter) was the fifth wellbeing point looked for in the Web, in 37% of cases,.

    Web has too expanded the opportunity for patients to buy drugs on line. In the nineties, a few drug stores started to work over the Web offering drugs without for all intents and purposes any control, indeed for dynamic standards requiring a medicine. Agreeing to the US Nourishment and Medicate Organization (FDA) there are at slightest 400 websites that both apportion and offer endorsing administrations and half of these destinations are found exterior the US. As detailed on the FDA site, it has been evaluated that the number of websites offering medicine drugs may presently be closer to 1000. The number of websites, be that as it may, varies from day to day and appears to be developing. A later overview of online drug stores (OPs) found that their space of enlistment was in 51% of the test in the USA, and in 22% in Europe

    . It is exceptionally troublesome to gauge the number of individuals buying online, the volume of drugs exchanged and the financial degree of this commerce. A study conducted in the US by implies of phone interviews found that 4% of Americans had obtained medicine drugs on the Web. Back in 2000 the National Affiliation of Sheets of Drug store assessed that add up to deals of prescription-only drugs on the Web in the USA was $100 million, with an evaluated increment in all pharmaceutical deals to $1 billion by 2003.

    Moreover, the web has no topographical obstructions and its worldwide measurement makes it troublesome to control virtual drug stores since there is no universal enactment directing this complex issue. The development of an unregulated worldwide drugs advertise may increment the chance of the spread of fake solutions, coming from nations where sedate generation is not subject to the same quality control as in the US, Canada and Europe. The World Wellbeing Organization has announced that “medicines obtained over the Web from locales that conceal their physical address are fake in over 50% of cases”.

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    In expansion, numerous online drug stores offer the customer drugs without restorative medicine and this can uncover individuals to the dangers related with the admissions of improper drugs and can hurt the patient–doctor relationship, changing patients into buyers.

    In reality, the medicine necessity points to protect patients from dangers related with superfluous drugs, and it allots obligation for cost/benefit evaluation to the specialist, the proficient who has the information to make this decision. This quick advancement of online drug stores is related to a few components. Web permits to reach providers around the world at any hour without having to visit shops and it may permit to get commodities at a lower cost.

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    For online drug stores there is another imperative figure related to the questionable topic of direct-to-consumer promoting (DTCA) of medicine drugs, where defenders highlight the potential in terms of quiet strengthening, whereas adversaries claim that DTCA misshapes the patient–doctor relationship, producing request without prove of wellbeing benefits. In later a long time patients have expanded their inclusion in the decision-making handle concerning their wellbeing, a prepare that in the past was completely in the hands of the doctor, driving to common concern approximately the impact of such procedure on persistent wellbeing.

    In a world where indeed the concept of wellbeing has changed, moving from the nonattendance of malady to well-being and wellness, pharmaceutical item special techniques may be pointed at making a request for drugs, creating consumers/patients. This is a exceptionally genuine risk which may be exacerbated by the deal of drugs through the Web. The deal online of drugs is open to everyone who has an Web get to and online drug stores offer all sorts of drugs, counting medicine drugs. To our information, the as it were taken a toll examination of online drugs was performed in the US, in a comparison between conventional drug stores and OPs which found no financial advantage in buying online, both in year 1999 and in 2006.

    In our ponder we explore the financial highlights of online medicate deals, analyzing promoting and estimating techniques by online drug stores for a few “marker drugs” that were chosen either since of their tall inherent hazard if utilized improperly or since of their broad utilize. To our information, this is the to begin with consider which centers on the relationship between OP highlights and the estimating designs. Showcasing and cost procedures are examined utilizing expressive and econometric instruments.

    <p>The post Overview on the operations and marketing strategies of various online pharmacies first appeared on PHARMA PUSH.</p>

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    List out the various abbreviations, short forms used in prescriptions and their interpretation Wed, 06 Mar 2024 16:23:49 +0000 What are prescription abbreviations? You may have seen prescription abbreviations like qd, hs, or bid on your medication labels, which ... Read more

    <p>The post List out the various abbreviations, short forms used in prescriptions and their interpretation first appeared on PHARMA PUSH.</p>

    What are prescription abbreviations?

    You may have seen prescription abbreviations like qd, hs, or bid on your medication labels, which are derived from the latin words for “every day,” “at bedtime,” and “twice daily,” respectively. Perhaps one of the most common is Rx, which is the official symbol for “prescription.” Thought to be derived from the latin word for “recipe,” this abbreviation relays to pharmacists that a prescription is authorized to be filled.

    This article will discuss the Latin abbreviations healthcare providers use on prescriptions and help you learn how to translate them. It will also discuss steps you can take to protect yourself from prescribing errors.

    Assembling a comprehensive list of prescription abbreviations along with their interpretations provides valuable insight into the language and conventions used in medical practice.

    The Origins of “Rx” as an Abbreviation for “Prescription”

    Rx is an abbreviation for “prescription.” In the U.S. it is believed that the origin of the symbol is an abbreviation of the Latin word for “recipe,” which means “take.” In Europe, another suggestion of the origin of the symbol appears to represent the astronomical sign of the planet Jupiter. According to another theory, the Rx symbol is based on the Roman deity Jupiter. Jupiter’s symbol looked similar to the Rx symbol. The symbol may have been placed on a prescription to invoke Jupiter’s blessing.

    The abbreviations may be written in capital letters or small letters, and may or may not include periods.

    Here’s an extensive compilation of abbreviations commonly found in prescriptions, categorized by their usage and interpretation.

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    Dosage and Frequency:

    1. OD: Once daily
    2. BD: Twice daily
    3. TDS: Three times daily
    4. QDS: Four times daily
    5. QID: Four times daily
    6. HS: At bedtime (from Latin “hora somni”)
    7. PC: After meals (from Latin “post cibum”)
    8. AC: Before meals (from Latin “ante cibum”)
    9. PRN: As needed (from Latin “pro re nata”)
    10. QAM: Every morning
    11. QPM: Every evening
    12. Q4H, Q6H, Q8H, etc.: Every 4, 6, 8 hours, etc.
    13. QOD: Every other day (from Latin “quaque altera die”)

    Route of Administration:

    1. PO: By mouth (from Latin “per os”)
    2. IV: Intravenous
    3. IM: Intramuscular
    4. SQ: Subcutaneous
    5. PR: Rectal (from Latin “per rectum”)
    6. TOP: Topical
    7. OTIC: Ear drops
    8. OD: Right eye (from Latin “oculus dexter”)
    9. OS: Left eye (from Latin “oculus sinister”)
    10. OU: Both eyes (from Latin “oculi uterque”)
    11. INH: Inhalation

    Patient Instructions:

    1. NR: No refills
    2. UD: Use as directed
    3. NP: Not to be refilled
    4. DAW: Dispense as written
    5. UD: Use as directed
    6. Sig: Let it be labeled
    7. UDD: Use as directed
    8. UDHS: Use as directed, by the hour of sleep
    9. ETOH: Alcohol
    10. NPO: Nothing by mouth (from Latin “nil per os”)
    11. SS: Half (from Latin “semis”)
    12. NSS: Normal saline solution
    13. SOS: If necessary (from Latin “si opus sit”)
    14. ASAP: As soon as possible

    Medical Conditions and States:

    1. SOB: Shortness of breath
    2. CVA: Cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
    3. COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    4. DM: Diabetes mellitus
    5. HTN: Hypertension
    6. CHF: Congestive heart failure
    7. UTI: Urinary tract infection
    8. GI: Gastrointestinal
    9. GERD: Gastroesophageal reflux disease
    10. IBS: Irritable bowel syndrome
    11. CNS: Central nervous system
    12. PVD: Peripheral vascular disease
    13. PID: Pelvic inflammatory disease
    14. PID: Pelvic inflammatory disease
    15. UTI: Urinary tract infection
    16. RA: Rheumatoid arthritis
    17. OA: Osteoarthritis
    18. TIA: Transient ischemic attack
    19. MI: Myocardial infarction

    Laboratory and Diagnostic Abbreviations:

    1. CBC: Complete blood count
    2. CMP: Comprehensive metabolic panel
    3. UA: Urinalysis
    4. ECG/EKG: Electrocardiogram
    5. MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging
    6. CT: Computed tomography
    7. PT: Prothrombin time
    8. PTT: Partial thromboplastin time
    9. INR: International normalized ratio
    10. HbA1c: Glycated hemoglobin (used for monitoring diabetes)
    11. ESR: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
    12. CRP: C-reactive protein
    13. BUN: Blood urea nitrogen
    14. SCr: Serum creatinine
    15. HDL: High-density lipoprotein
    16. LDL: Low-density lipoprotein

    Medication Names and Classes:

    1. ASA: Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin)
    2. APAP: Acetaminophen
    3. NSAIDs: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
    4. ACEI: Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
    5. ARB: Angiotensin II receptor blocker
    6. SSRI: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
    7. SNRI: Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
    8. MAOI: Monoamine oxidase inhibitor
    9. BB: Beta-blocker
    10. CCB: Calcium channel blocker
    11. PPI: Proton pump inhibitor
    12. H2RA: Histamine-2 receptor antagonist
    13. SSA: Somatostatin analogs
    14. SABA: Short-acting beta-agonist
    15. LABA: Long-acting beta-agonist
    16. SGLT2: Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors
    17. GLP-1: Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists
    18. DPP-4: Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors
    19. TZD: Thiazolidinediones
    20. BMI: Body mass index
    21. LFTs: Liver function tests
    22. HRT: Hormone replacement therapy
    23. NS: Normal saline
    24. TPN: Total parenteral nutrition

    Miscellaneous Abbreviations:

    1. Rx: Prescription
    2. OTC: Over-the-counter
    3. POISON: Poison control hotline number
    4. MEDWATCH: FDA’s safety information and adverse event reporting program
    5. APAP: Acetaminophen
    6. HRT: Hormone replacement therapy
    7. TCA: Tricyclic antidepressant
    8. SSRIs: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
    9. CYP: Cytochrome P450
    10. SSRIs: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

    This compilation of prescription abbreviations and their interpretations provides insight into the language of medical practice and helps ensure clarity and accuracy in medication administration and communication among healthcare providers and patients. Always consult with healthcare professionals for accurate interpretation and use of prescription abbreviations.

    Declining Use of Prescription Abbreviations

    The Latin terms are still in use, but some healthcare providers are retiring them. It is becoming more common for healthcare providers to write prescription instructions in plain language. Readable prescriptions can help prevent medication errors. That is why many medical professionals believe written instructions should be used instead of hard-to-read abbreviations.

    For example, the abbreviation qd, which means “daily,” could be mistaken for qid, which means “four times a day.” It could also be confused for od, which means “right eye.” Simply writing “daily” prevents confusion. E-prescribing, or electronic prescribing, can also help prevent medication errors. Instructions sent directly to the pharmacy electronically are less prone to human error. If your healthcare provider uses electronic prescribing, you may never see the abbreviations.

    To avoid ambiguity, the following abbreviations are not recommended.

    1. a.u., a.s., a.d. – Latin for both, left and right ears; the “a” can be misread to be an “o” and interpreted to mean both, right or left eyes
    2. bt – intended to mean “bedtime”, but can be misread as “bid” or twice daily.
    3. d/c – can mean “discontinue” or “discharge”
    4. h.s. – can mean half strength or “hour of sleep”
    5. IJ – intended to mean “injection”, but can be misread as “IV”
    6. IN – intended to mean “intranasal”, but can be misread as “IM” or “IV”
    7. IU – intended to mean “international unit”, but can be misread as “IV” or “10”
    8. o.d., o.s., o.u. – the “o” can be misread as “a”.
    9. o.d. – can mean “once daily” or “right eye”.
    10. OJ – intended to mean “orange juice” but can be misread as “OD” or “OS”
    11. q4PM – intended to mean “at 4 PM”, but can be misread as every 4 hours
    12. q.d., q1d – intended to mean “every day” but can be misread as “q.i.d.” or 4 times a
    13. q.o.d. – meant “every other day” but the “o” can be interpreted as “.” or “i” resulting
      in double or eight times the frequency
    14. SC – meant “subcutaneaous” but mistaken for “SL” for “sublingual”
    15. SQ – meant “subcutaneaous” but mistaken for “5Q” or 5 every dose
    16. ss‘ – intended to mean “sliding scale” or “1/2”, but can be mistaken as “55”
    17. SSI, SSRI – intended to mean “sliding scale insulin” or “sliding scale regular insulin”,
      but can be mistaken as “strong solution of iodine” or “selective serotonin reuptake
    18. T.I.W – meant 3 times a week but mistaken for twice a week
    19. U – meant “units” but mistaken for “0”, “4” (so “4U” can become “40” and the “U” is
      assumed), or misread as “cc” when poorly written; conversely cc can be mistaken
      for “U”
    20. μg – meant “microgram” but mistaken for “mg”; this 1000-fold error can cause
      potentially fatal misunderstandings

    <p>The post List out the various abbreviations, short forms used in prescriptions and their interpretation first appeared on PHARMA PUSH.</p>

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    SOPs for various activities in Community Pharmacy (as discussed in Theory and Practical) Mon, 04 Mar 2024 18:56:28 +0000 OVERVIEW OF STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOPs) A standard Operating procedure is a document which describes the regularly recurring operations relevant ... Read more

    <p>The post SOPs for various activities in Community Pharmacy (as discussed in Theory and Practical) first appeared on PHARMA PUSH.</p>


    A standard Operating procedure is a document which describes the regularly recurring operations relevant to the quality of service being rendered. The purpose of an SOPs is to carry out the operations correctly and always in the same manner. It should be available at the place where the work is done. An SOPs is a compulsory instruction. All changes in the instructions must be documented and reported to the authorities who are the only ones to authenticate and approve such variations.


    The development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) serves several crucial objectives across various domains, including industries, healthcare, research, and more. Here are some of the key objectives:

    1. Consistency: SOPs ensure consistency in operations and processes within an organization. By providing standardized procedures, SOPs help maintain uniformity in the execution of tasks, reducing errors and variations.
    2. Quality Assurance: SOPs outline best practices and quality standards that must be followed to achieve desired outcomes. They help maintain and improve product or service quality by ensuring that all tasks are performed to specified standards.
    3. Compliance: SOPs help organizations comply with regulatory requirements and industry standards. By documenting procedures and guidelines, SOPs ensure that operations are conducted in accordance with legal and regulatory frameworks, reducing the risk of non-compliance and potential penalties.
    4. Training and Onboarding: SOPs serve as valuable training materials for new employees. They provide a structured guide for employees to learn about their roles, responsibilities, and the standard procedures they need to follow to perform their tasks effectively.
    5. Risk Management: SOPs help identify and mitigate risks associated with various processes and operations. By outlining safety protocols, emergency procedures, and risk mitigation strategies, SOPs contribute to the overall risk management efforts of an organization.
    6. Efficiency and Productivity: SOPs streamline workflows and eliminate redundant or unnecessary steps, thereby improving operational efficiency and productivity. By providing clear guidelines and expectations, SOPs enable employees to perform tasks more effectively and minimize wasted time and resources.
    7. Continuous Improvement: SOPs serve as a reference point for evaluating existing processes and identifying areas for improvement. By regularly reviewing and updating SOPs based on feedback, new insights, and changing requirements, organizations can continuously optimize their operations and adapt to evolving circumstances.
    8. Communication and Collaboration: SOPs facilitate effective communication and collaboration among team members by providing a common framework and understanding of how tasks and processes should be performed. They help align individuals and teams towards common goals and objectives.

    Areas covered by this SOPs include

    Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) can cover a wide range of areas within an organization. The specific areas covered by SOPs may vary depending on the nature of the organization, its industry, and its operations. However, here are some common areas that are typically addressed by SOPs:

    1. SOPs for Drug Lists
    2. SOPs for Procurement of Medicines
    3. SOPs for Receiving Drugs into Pharmacy
    4. SOPs for Drug Storage
    5. SOPs for Vaccine Storage
    6. SOPs for Temperature Control
    7. SOPs for Issue and Delivery of Drugs to Dispensary/Satellite
    8. Pharmacies/Wards /Other Units
    9. SOPs for Dispensing /UDDS
    10. SOPs for Patients Counseling
    11. SOPs for Counseling of Handicapped Patients
    12. SOPs for Compounding of Medicines
    13. SOPs for Procurement, Dispensing and Distribution of Narcotic Drugs and
    14. SOPs for Disposal of Expired Drugs
    15. SOPs for Clinical Ward Round
    16. SOPs for Training of Intern Pharmacists
    17. SOPs for Continuing Education
    18. SOPs for Drug Revolving Fund (DRF) Scheme
    19. SOPs for Drug Information Service (DIS)/Drug Information Center (DIC).
    20. SOPs for Dress Code
    21. SOPs for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring(TDM)
    22. SOPs for Screening Prescriptions
    23. SOPs for Preparing a Drug Formulary.


    1. Prepare an advocacy plan for the SOP
    2. Write a proposal to management for setting up of drug and therapeutic committee in line with requirements prescribed by the National Drug Policy.
    3. Identify different categories of drugs required by the health facility based on the national essential drug list (EDL) / National Standard Treatment Guideline (NSTGs).
    4. Draw up list using generic and international non-proprietary name (INN) of the drug.
    5. Obtain approval for the management of the facility
    6. Circulate approved list to stake holders within the facility.
    7. Ensure strict compliance to the use of the ELD.


    1. Prepare an advocacy plan for the sop
    2. Confirm the availability of funds
    3. Match needs with available funds
    4. Identify and verify the suppliers
    5. Qualify suppliers
    6. Choose method of procurement
    7. Prepare an order form
    8. Contact suppliers to quote the returns and complete the form
    9. State the date of submission of the tender document
    10. Organize public bid openings and record proceedings
    11. Conduct evaluations
    12. Submit recommendations to tender committee for approval of awards
    13. Forward copies of award document to the store and finance departments
    14. Facilitate the signing of contract agreements
    15. Monitor suppliers performance and sanction defaulters
    16. Receive and store drugs
    17. Facilitate prompt payment to suppliers
    18. Commence preparation for next procurement cycle
    19. Provide the names and strength of each drug in the following order: Name (generic), strength and form, e.g.
    20. Provide a column for the expiry date of drug
    21. Provide a column for the price of each item and a column for the total price
    22. Provide a space for the name of the company, giving relevant details such as address, telephone number, e-mail address, name of the contact person.


    Developing a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for receiving drug items into a pharmacy bulk store is critical to maintaining regulatory compliance, ensuring inventory accuracy, and safeguarding the quality and integrity of pharmaceutical products. Here’s an outline for such an SOP:

    1. Pre-Receiving Preparation:
      • Ensure that the receiving area is clean, organized, and free from clutter.
      • Verify that the temperature and humidity levels in the receiving area are within acceptable ranges for storing pharmaceutical products.
      • Ensure that necessary receiving equipment (e.g., gloves, masks, labels, barcode scanners) are available and in good working condition.
    2. Receiving Process:
      • Upon receipt of a shipment, the receiving personnel must inspect the packaging for any signs of damage, tampering, or contamination.
      • Match the received shipment with the accompanying packing slip or purchase order to verify the accuracy of the items received.
      • Use a barcode scanner or manual entry to record each received item into the inventory management system.
      • Check the expiration dates and lot numbers of each received item to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
      • If discrepancies are found between the shipment and the packing slip, notify the supplier and the Pharmacy Manager immediately.
    3. Quality Assurance Check:
      • The Quality Assurance Officer conducts a visual inspection of the received drug items to ensure they meet quality standards.
      • Inspect packaging integrity, labeling accuracy, and overall condition of the drug items.
      • Randomly select samples for further testing or analysis if deemed necessary.
    4. Storage and Documentation:
      • Store received drug items in designated storage areas according to their specific storage requirements (e.g., temperature-sensitive items).
      • Label shelves, bins, or containers with the name, strength, lot number, and expiration date of each drug item.
      • Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of received items, including quantity, lot numbers, expiration dates, and storage locations.
      • Document any discrepancies, damages, or deviations from the standard receiving process in the appropriate records and notify the Pharmacy Manager.
    5. Cleanup and Post-Receiving Procedures:
      • Dispose of packaging materials and any damaged or expired drug items according to established waste disposal protocols.
      • Clean and sanitize the receiving area after each receiving session to prevent cross-contamination and ensure compliance with hygiene standards.

    This SOPs provides a framework for establishing standardized procedures for receiving drug items into a pharmacy bulk store, ensuring regulatory compliance, inventory accuracy, and product quality control. Adjustments may be necessary based on the specific requirements and operational context of the pharmacy.

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    SOPs For Drug Storage

    Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for drug storage are crucial to maintaining the integrity, safety, and efficacy of pharmaceutical products within a pharmacy or healthcare facility. Here’s an outline for creating SOPs for drug storage:

    1. Storage Environment:
      • Ensure that the storage area is clean, well-ventilated, and free from environmental hazards such as excessive heat, humidity, and light exposure.
      • Maintain appropriate temperature and humidity levels within the storage area as per the manufacturer’s recommendations and regulatory guidelines.
      • Regularly monitor temperature and humidity levels using calibrated monitoring devices and record the readings as per the frequency specified in the SOP.
    2. Storage Conditions:
      • Segregate drugs based on their storage requirements (e.g., refrigerated, ambient, controlled substances) and store them accordingly.
      • Use designated storage shelves, cabinets, or containers for different categories of drugs to prevent cross-contamination and ensure organization.
      • Store drugs in their original packaging or containers to maintain product integrity and protect them from light, moisture, and other external factors.
      • Clearly label shelves, bins, or containers with the name, strength, lot number, and expiration date of each drug product.
    3. Inventory Management:
      • Conduct regular inventory checks to monitor stock levels, expiration dates, and storage conditions of drugs.
      • Rotate stock using the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method to ensure that older inventory is used before newer stock.
      • Perform routine inspections of drug products for signs of damage, deterioration, or tampering and take appropriate action if discrepancies are detected.
      • Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of inventory transactions, including receipts, withdrawals, transfers, and returns.
    4. Security and Access Control:
      • Restrict access to the drug storage area to authorized personnel only and implement appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized entry or theft.
      • Keep all controlled substances securely locked and maintain strict adherence to regulatory requirements for handling and storing controlled substances.
      • Conduct regular audits and inspections of the drug storage area to ensure compliance with security protocols and regulatory standards.
    5. Emergency Procedures:
      • Develop and document procedures for responding to emergencies such as power outages, equipment failures, or environmental disasters that may impact drug storage conditions.
      • Establish contingency plans for relocating drugs to alternative storage facilities or implementing temporary measures to maintain storage integrity during emergencies.

    SOPs For Storage of Vaccines

    Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the storage of vaccines are essential to maintaining their potency, efficacy, and safety. Here’s a comprehensive outline for developing SOPs for vaccine storage:

    1. Storage Environment:
      • Designate a dedicated vaccine storage area that meets the recommended temperature and humidity requirements specified by vaccine manufacturers and regulatory agencies.
      • Ensure that the vaccine storage area is well-ventilated, clean, and free from environmental hazards such as direct sunlight, moisture, and temperature fluctuations.
      • Install calibrated temperature monitoring devices (e.g., digital data loggers) in the vaccine storage unit to continuously monitor and record temperature levels.
    2. Temperature Monitoring:
      • Perform daily temperature checks using calibrated thermometers or digital data loggers to ensure that the storage temperature remains within the recommended range for each vaccine.
      • Record temperature readings at regular intervals and maintain accurate temperature logs as per regulatory requirements.
      • Take immediate corrective action if temperature excursions or deviations from the recommended range are detected, including notifying the Vaccine Coordinator and following established protocols for temperature troubleshooting.
    3. Storage Practices:
      • Store vaccines in their original packaging or containers to maintain product integrity and protect them from light exposure, moisture, and contamination.
      • Arrange vaccines on designated shelves or storage units according to their storage requirements (e.g., refrigerated, frozen, ambient).
      • Rotate vaccine stock using the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method to ensure that vaccines with the earliest expiration dates are used first.
      • Regularly inspect vaccine vials or packages for signs of damage, leakage, or expiration and remove any compromised vaccines from inventory.
    4. Inventory Management:
      • Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of vaccine inventory, including quantities received, lot numbers, expiration dates, and doses administered.
      • Conduct regular inventory audits and reconciliations to ensure that vaccine stock levels are accurately accounted for and discrepancies are promptly addressed.
      • Implement secure storage measures for vaccines, including access control, inventory tracking, and documentation of vaccine movements.
    5. Emergency Procedures:
      • Develop and document procedures for responding to emergencies such as power outages, equipment failures, or natural disasters that may impact vaccine storage conditions.
      • Establish contingency plans for relocating vaccines to alternative storage facilities or implementing temporary measures to maintain storage integrity during emergencies.

    SOPs For Temperature Control

    Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for temperature control are essential for maintaining the quality, safety, and efficacy of temperature-sensitive products, including pharmaceuticals, vaccines, food items, and biological materials. Here’s a comprehensive outline for developing SOPs for temperature control:

    Standard temperatures Chart: Here is a standard temperature chart outlining recommended temperature ranges for various purposes, including food storage, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and laboratory samples:

    1. Room temperature 15-300C
    2. Cool place below 150C
    3. Cold place below 80C
    4. Refrigerator 2-80C
    5. Freezer -200C

    It’s important to note that these are general temperature guidelines, and specific products or materials may have different temperature requirements. Always refer to manufacturer guidelines, regulatory requirements, or specific storage instructions for accurate temperature recommendations. Additionally, maintaining temperature logs and regularly monitoring storage conditions are essential practices to ensure compliance and product integrity.

    Full Assignment Pdf : CLICK HERE

    SOPs For Dispensing

    Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for dispensing medications are critical to ensure accuracy, safety, and consistency in pharmaceutical practices. Here’s a generalized outline of SOPs for dispensing medications:

    1. Prepare advocacy plan
    2. Receive read and validate the prescription
    3. Introduce yourself to the patient by saying “I am a pharmacist
    4. Identify the prescribers intention for the patient
    5. Confirm the ownership of the prescription in order to avoid dispensing to proxy
    6. Find out if the medicine and/or other required items are available in the pharmacy
    7. Cost the medicines prescribed
    8. Inform patient of the cost implication of their medication (conduct with the physician for reviews if the need arises).
    9. Direct the patient to make necessary payments and to present the appropriate receipt confirming payment of medicines/items dispensed.
    10. Select the correct medicines /items in the pharmacy and read the label on the container (and/or package) before, during and after dispensing.
    11. Write the label on each medicine, giving precise direction for use.
    12. Put the medicine in the dispensing vial and place the label on the vial
    13. Check the dispensed medicine and confirm that the medicine is what was prescribed
    14. Hand the dispensed medicine to the patient or care giver/patient’s relation.
    15. Counsel the patient giving details on how the medicine should be used
    16. Give the patient a chance to ask questions and give the patient appropriate answers.
    17. Say “thank you” to the patient before he leaves. This is to be done with a smile.
    18. Keep all patient medication record.

    SOPs For Unit Dose Dispensing System (UDDS)

    Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for a Unit Dose Dispensing System (UDDS) are essential to ensure the safe and efficient dispensing of medications in healthcare settings such as hospitals, long-term care facilities, and clinics. Here’s an outline of SOPs for a UDDS:

    1. Prepare advocacy plan for the SOPs
    2. Receive , read and validate prescription
    3. Find out the prescriber’s intention for the patient
    4. Find out whether the medicines (and / or other required items are available in the pharmacy)
    5. Open the patient medication profile.
    6. Cost the medicines
    7. Direct the patient to make necessary payments and to present the appropriate receipt confirming payment of medicines/items dispensed.
    8. Select the correct medicines /items in the pharmacy and read the
    9. label on the container (and/or package) before, during and after dispensing.
    10. Prepare the appropriate label which could contain the name, strength
    11. and quantity of the medicine being dispensed. All necessary directions should comply with legal requirements (where applicable).
    12. Include the expiry date for any product with limited shelf-life (where applicable).
    13. Select the appropriate container and closure for dispensing medicines (where applicable). Plastic, amber dispensing vials for tablets and capsules are preferred.
    14. Affix the written instructions (labels) on the container.
    15. Ensure that all dispensed are put in patients respective cassettes and arranged in a trolley.
    16. Deliver the trolley to the ward and give any necessary information to the nurses.
    17. Initiate therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) where necessary.
    18. Document patients’ medication complaint(s) and discuss with the prescriber.
    19. Reference must be made to the doctor’s prescription for every administration.
    20. Pharmacist must be present at the ward to monitor the unit dose dispensing system (UDDS), improve in-patient dispensing and make the necessary therapeutic interventions.

    You May Like: Patient Information Leaflet for a given chronic disease / disorder

    Note: The technical aspects of dispensing (such as counting tablets, pouring liquid and labeling containers) can properly be conducted by trained support staff under the supervision of a pharmacist. There is no alternative to the direct involvement of the pharmacist in the assessment of prescriptions and ensure that all necessary information is given to the patient or care-giver (i.e. patients’ relative) to achieve maximum therapeutic benefits.

    SOPs For Patient Counselling

    Patient counseling should be carried out in a room or space dedicated for such purpose. Such a room should be adequately equipped.

    1. Prepare advocacy plan for the SOPs
    2. Welcome the patient with a warm smile
    3. Ensure the patient is comfortably seated before facing you
    4. Introduce yourself to the patient by saying’ I am a pharmacist……………….. I am here to talk to u about your medication’’.
    5. Ensure the patients identity matches that written on absentee patient. Counsel the patient’s representative in the absence of the patient. (This should not be encouraged).
    6. Confirm if the patient has been counseled by the doctor (prescriber) or any other staff member of the hospital. Note what the patient had been told.
    7. Confirm if it’s the 1st time the patient is receiving the medication on prescription.
    8. Show the patient what the prescribed drug looks like.
    9. Tell the patient the name(s) of the drug(s) prescribed and explain in a simple language, how the drug works.
    10. Inform the patient of the dosage requirement, route of administration, duration of drug therapy.
    11. Provide the patient with any information on the onset of action.

    SOPs For Screening Prescription

    1. Prepare an Advocacy Programme for the SOP.
    2. Ascertain that all the legal requirements for the prescription are met, including full name of the patient, age and sex date on which the prescription was written, name and strength of the drug written generically, quantity of drug to be supplied, directions for use, and full name and signature of the prescriber in his own handwriting.
    3. As certain that all prescriptions for narcotic drugs are written on a separate prescription sheet.
    4. Ensure that quantity of drugs in a prescription are properly written e.g 3g not 3.0g, 500mg not 0.5g, 100micrograms not 0.1mg, mi not cc or cm3.
    5. Ensure that unapproved abbreviations are not used in writing prescriptions e.g. PCM for Paracetamol.
    6. Ensure that the quantities for each drug to be supplied is clearly stated, e.g. 100 Tablets or that the dose and directions are clearly stated e.g. one tablet every 8 hours for 5 days.
    7. Ensure that prescription written for animals contain all the necessary information, including the name of the owner and that it is clearly marked ‘’for animal use only’.
    8. Screen all prescriptions for any incompatibility.
    9. Ensure that all alterations on the prescription are signed by the prescriber.
    10. Ensure that prescriptions written in duplicate are clearly labeled e.g. “Original”, “Duplicate”.

    <p>The post SOPs for various activities in Community Pharmacy (as discussed in Theory and Practical) first appeared on PHARMA PUSH.</p>

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