Information about the organizations working on de-addiction services in the region (city / district, etc.)

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Use of synthetic substance capable of having an altered effect on human health and behavior is of recent origin. Alcohol, opium and cannabis were the traditional substances of abuse in India marked by moderate consumption generally acquired new and alarming dimensions with the introduction of heroin and other new forms of drugs in late seventies and early eighties.

WHO, 2002 estimated that there are about 2 billion people worldwide who consume alcoholic beverages. The commonly used substances in the world are nicotine and alcohol, opium, codeine, cocaine, caffeine, barbiturates and hashish. More than 12 million Americans use illegal drugs, more than 2 million are known to abuse prescription drugs, 60 million are hooked on cigarettes, 33 million binge on alcohol and 12 million are heavy drinkers.

Aim And Objective

  1. To evaluate the satisfaction level of the patients regarding the services provided by the Drug De-addiction Centers.
  2. To assess the health services to the patient provided by the Drug De-addiction Centers.
  3. To assess the role of Drug De-addiction Centers to control the drug addiction in the states of India.

Drugs abused details of stay, treatment outcome, number of drop-outs, rehabilitation services, outreach services, additional treatment required, number of follow up visits details of staff personal trained in last two years was also obtained. Interview of indoor patients who were admitted on the days of scheduled visits was done after obtaining their informed consent and explaining them the purpose of study. Confidentiality of information provided by them was ensured.

The availability and specifics of organizations offering de-addiction services can vary widely based on the region, such as city or district. However, I can provide you with some general information on the types of organizations that typically offer de-addiction services and how they operate.

  1. Government Health Departments: Many regions have government health departments or agencies that provide de-addiction services as part of their public health initiatives. These departments often offer counseling, rehabilitation programs, and support groups for individuals struggling with various forms of addiction.
  2. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): NGOs dedicated to addressing substance abuse and addiction-related issues often operate in various regions. These organizations may offer counseling, treatment programs, community outreach, and advocacy efforts to raise awareness about addiction and reduce its impact on individuals and communities.
  3. Specialized Treatment Centers: Some regions have specialized treatment centers and clinics that focus specifically on addiction treatment and rehabilitation. These centers may offer a range of services, including detoxification, residential treatment programs, outpatient counseling, and aftercare support.
  4. Community-based Support Groups: Support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) operate in many cities and districts around the world. These groups provide peer support, fellowship, and a structured program of recovery for individuals struggling with addiction.
  5. Hospitals and Health Clinics: Hospitals and health clinics may offer addiction treatment services as part of their broader healthcare services. These services may include medical detoxification, psychiatric evaluation and treatment, medication-assisted treatment, and counseling.
  6. Rehabilitation Centers: Residential rehabilitation centers, also known as rehab centers or treatment facilities, provide intensive programs designed to help individuals overcome addiction. These centers typically offer a structured environment where individuals receive counseling, therapy, educational programs, and support from trained professionals.
  7. Online and Telehealth Services: With advancements in technology, there are now online platforms and telehealth services that offer virtual counseling, therapy sessions, and support groups for individuals struggling with addiction. These services can be particularly helpful for individuals who may have difficulty accessing traditional in-person services.

When looking for de-addiction services in a specific region, individuals and families can reach out to local health departments, community centers, hospitals, and mental health professionals for information and referrals to appropriate resources. It’s essential to choose reputable organizations and treatment providers that offer evidence-based practices and adhere to ethical standards in their approach to addiction treatment and recovery.

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The findings of the study are as follows

As per medical services were concerned, 10 (11.1%), 45 (50%) and 38.9% patients said it as good, average and poor respectively. Similarly 11.1%, 55.6% patient said that counseling services were good, average and poor respectively. Only 20% patient felt change in behavior and were determined to abstain from drug abuse in future and said that they will recommend the center to other but 80% denied it at centers run by private registered societies.


The study was conducted in ten DDCs running in various districts of Punjab. Out of 10 DDCs, 7 were under the administrative control of Indian Red Cross Society and 3 were under the control of Private Registered Societies. A pretested Performa-I was used to collect details regarding center’s Infrastructure and Human Resources strength and health services provided by these centers.

A total of 120 patients were interviewed and information regarding their socio-demographic profile and their satisfaction with the services being provided and Indoor stay facilities at DDC was collected maintaining full confidentiality.


  1. Centers run by IRCS are charging Rs. 1400 per month and private registered societies Rs. 4000-5000 per month from the family of the drug addicts. It is strongly recommended that the treatment should should be provided free of cost to the needy and poor patients.
  2. Physical and mental harassment of drug addicts must be stopped.
  3. Vacant posts of councilors and auxiliary staff must be filled.
  4. Centers run by private registered societies have severe staff shortage.
  5. Vocational rehabilitation services like tailoring, carpentry or computer courses must be provided and these centers be financed by the government.
  6. There is a strong need to expand the scope of research in the field of drug de-addiction to improve the effectiveness of the treatment by the DDC centers providing preventive and curative services to the addicts in future.


On evaluation of drug de-addiction centers it was found that these centers are just running. These is urgent need for improvement in the services and facilities to patients at these centers run by Indian Red Cross Society and Private Registered Societies. Therefore the recommendations regarding role of DDCs to control the drug addiction in the states of India.

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