Community Pharmacy and Management Question Paper 2023

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  1. Attempt all parts.
  2. Students are advised to specially check the Numerical Data of Question paper in both versions. If there is any difference in Hindi Translation of any question, the students should answer according to the English version.
  3. Use of Paper and Mobile Phone by the students is not allowed.

Table of Contents


Answer any six questions. Each questions carries equal marks. [6×5=30]

  1. Explain the role of Community Pharmacist?
  2. Describe different part of Prescriptions?
  3. What do you mean by verbal communication? Give Advantage and Disadvantage of Verbal Communication.
  4. Describe various stages involved in patient counselling?
  5. Discuss various strategies to overcome medication non adherence?
  6. What is procurement? Explain process of procument.


Answer any ten questions. Each questions carries equal marks. [10×3=30]

  1. Write a note on handling of the prescription.
  2. Write a note on body language is a type of communication.
  3. Define patient information leaflet. Give importance of patient information leaflet.
  4. Write in brief counselling point for Tuberculosis.
  5. Define health screening services. Give scope of health screening services.
  6. Write a brief note on OTC medication in India.
  7. Give the symptoms and advice for self care in skin disorders.
  8. What are various types of community pharmacy?
  9. Write in short about the pharmacy design and interiors.
  10. Define financial planning. Give importance of financial planning.
  11. Give the standard operating procedure for dispensing of medicines.


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Answer all questions. Each questions carries equal marks. [20×1=20]

  1. The history of community pharmacy in India start with opening of chemist shop in _____
    • a) 1811
    • b) 1812
    • c) 1813
    • d) 1814
  2. The preparation of SOPs in pharmacy is responsibility of ______
    • a) Staff nurse
    • b) Physician
    • c) Pharmacist
    • d) None
  3. The part of prescription called subsription contains direction to the _____
    • a) Physcian
    • b) Pharmacist
    • c) Staff nurse
    • d) None
  4. Communication is a part of _______
    • a) hard
    • b)soft
    • c) rough
    • d) short
  5. Email and websites are the type of ______ Communication.
    • Oral/Written
  6. Patient Counselling is a _______ process.
    • Unidirectional/bidirectional
  7. A faithful adherence by the patient to the prescriber instruction is called ______.
    • Patient compliance/ Patient non compliance
  8. Sphygmomanometer is used to measure ______.
    • Blood Pressure/ Blood glucose level
  9. Mammogram is look for early sign of ______.
    • Breast cancer/ Blood pressure.
  10. ________ is the disorder in which stools become hard, dry and difficult to pass from the bowel.
    • Constipation/ Diarrheas
  11. _______ mean study of causes and development of disease.
    • Etiology/ Etiopathogenesis
  12. ______ means process of vomitting.
    • Emesis/ Nausea
  13. OTC are ____ drugs.
    • Prescription/ Non-Prescription
  14. The amount contributes by proprietor or partner in the business is known as ______.
    • Capital/ Asset
  15. In VED analysis method. E stands for _______
    • Essential/ Economic
  16. Minimum space required for retail drug store is ________.
    • a) 100m2
    • b) 50m2
    • c) 10m2
    • d) 20m2
  17. Minimum practical training required for registration of pharmacist is not less than _____
    • a) 100 hours
    • b) 200 hours
    • c) 500 hours
    • d) None
  18. Arogya Setu app is launched by government of India during the fight against ___
    • a) T.B
    • b) Pollio
    • c) Covid-19
    • d) Leprosy
  19. Online pharmacy is also known as _______
    • Drug store/ Web drug store
  20. Petty cash book of account which records ______ amount.
    • Major/ Minor

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