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<p>The post Understanding Vaccine Varieties: A Social Pharmacy Perspective first appeared on PHARMA PUSH.</p>

What are Vaccines in Social Pharmacy?

A vaccine is a biological preparation that stimulates the immune system of an individual to recognize and defend against specific pathogens, such as viruses or bacteria. Vaccines typically contain weakened, killed, or parts of the targeted pathogen, known as antigens, which trigger an immune response without causing the disease itself.

This immune response allows the body to produce antibodies and memory cells that can rapidly recognize and neutralize the pathogen if encountered in the future, providing immunity against the disease. Vaccines are essential tools in preventing infectious diseases and are used widely in public health initiatives to protect individuals and communities from illness.

Types of Vaccines

There are several types of vaccines, each employing different mechanisms to stimulate the immune system. Here’s an explanation of some common types:

  1. Live Attenuated Vaccines: These vaccines contain weakened forms of the live pathogen that causes the disease. Although they are not capable of causing illness in healthy individuals, they can still induce a strong immune response. Examples include the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and the oral polio vaccine (OPV).
  2. Inactivated Vaccines: These vaccines consist of killed pathogens or parts of pathogens. They cannot cause the disease because the pathogen is no longer viable. However, they still contain antigens that trigger an immune response. Inactivated vaccines often require booster doses to maintain immunity. Examples include the influenza (flu) vaccine and the hepatitis A vaccine.
  3. Subunit, Recombinant, and Conjugate Vaccines: These vaccines contain only specific parts of the pathogen, such as proteins or polysaccharides, rather than the whole organism. They are often safer than live attenuated vaccines because they cannot cause the disease. Subunit vaccines may include recombinant DNA technology to produce the antigen. Conjugate vaccines combine antigens from the pathogen with carrier proteins to enhance the immune response, particularly in young children. Examples include the hepatitis B vaccine (subunit), the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine (recombinant), and the Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine (conjugate).
  4. Viral Vector Vaccines: These vaccines use a harmless virus, known as a viral vector, to deliver genetic material from the target pathogen into host cells. The host cells then produce antigens, triggering an immune response. Viral vector vaccines can induce strong and long-lasting immunity. Examples include the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine and the Ebola vaccine.
  5. Nucleic Acid Vaccines (RNA and DNA Vaccines): These vaccines contain genetic material, either RNA or DNA, that encodes the antigen of the target pathogen. Once inside the body, host cells use this genetic material to produce antigens, stimulating an immune response. Nucleic acid vaccines are relatively new but offer potential advantages, such as rapid development and scalability. The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are examples of mRNA vaccines.

Each type of vaccine has its own advantages, limitations, and considerations regarding storage, administration, and efficacy. The choice of vaccine type depends on factors such as the characteristics of the pathogen, the desired immune response, and practical considerations for vaccine deployment.

What’s the difference between a live and a non-live vaccine?

The primary difference between live (or attenuated) vaccines and non-live (or inactivated) vaccines lies in the nature of the pathogens used to create them and how they stimulate the immune system.

No.Live (Attenuated) VaccinesNon-Live (Inactivated) Vaccines
1.Live vaccines contain weakened forms of the actual virus or bacteria that causes the disease they protect against. These weakened pathogens are called “attenuated” because they are no longer capable of causing severe illness in vaccinated individuals.Non-live vaccines contain killed or inactivated forms of the virus or bacteria. These pathogens are no longer capable of causing disease but can still stimulate an immune response.
2.Live vaccines replicate and produce an immune response in a similar way to natural infections, leading to long-lasting immunity.Non-live vaccines may contain whole, inactivated pathogens or only specific parts of the pathogen, such as proteins or sugars.
3.Live vaccines carry a small risk of causing mild symptoms or, rarely, a more severe reaction, particularly in individuals with weakened immune systems.Non-live vaccines typically require additional components called adjuvants to enhance the immune response.
4.Live vaccines often provide long-lasting immunity with a single or few doses. Non-live vaccines may require booster doses to maintain immunity over time.
5.Examples of live vaccines include the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine, oral polio vaccine (OPV), and varicella (chickenpox) vaccine.Examples of non-live vaccines include the influenza vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine, and the injected polio vaccine (IPV).
Between a live and a non-live vaccine

How Do Vaccines Work?

Vaccines work by stimulating the body’s immune system to recognize and remember specific pathogens, such as viruses or bacteria, without causing the disease itself. Here’s a simplified explanation of how vaccines work:

  1. Introduction of Antigens: When you receive a vaccine, it introduces harmless versions of the pathogen, such as weakened or inactivated forms, or specific parts of the pathogen, called antigens, into your body. These antigens mimic the presence of the actual pathogen, triggering an immune response.
  2. Activation of Immune Response: The immune system recognizes the antigens as foreign invaders and mounts a defense. This process involves the activation of various immune cells, including antigen-presenting cells (such as dendritic cells), T cells, and B cells.
  3. Production of Antibodies: B cells, a type of white blood cell, produce antibodies specific to the antigens present in the vaccine. Antibodies are proteins that bind to and neutralize the pathogens or their toxins, preventing them from causing infection.
  4. Generation of Memory Cells: Along with producing antibodies, the immune system generates memory cells. These cells “remember” the specific pathogen encountered and remain in the body even after the initial immune response has resolved. If the body is exposed to the same pathogen in the future, memory cells can quickly recognize and mount a rapid, targeted immune response, preventing or minimizing illness.
  5. Long-Term Immunity: Vaccination leads to the establishment of long-term immunity against the targeted pathogen. This immunity can provide protection for years or even a lifetime, depending on the vaccine and individual factors.

By harnessing the body’s natural immune response, vaccines help to train and prepare the immune system to recognize and respond effectively to pathogens, thereby preventing infection or reducing the severity of disease if infection does occur. Vaccines have been instrumental in controlling and eradicating many infectious diseases and are considered one of the most successful public health interventions in history.

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How do Live Attenuated Vaccines Work?

Live attenuated vaccines contain weakened forms of the live pathogens that cause diseases. These weakened pathogens are created through a process called attenuation, which involves modifying the pathogen to reduce its virulence (ability to cause disease) while still retaining its ability to stimulate an immune response.

Here’s how live attenuated vaccines work:

  1. Introduction of Weakened Pathogen: When you receive a live attenuated vaccine, the weakened form of the pathogen is introduced into your body. This weakened pathogen is typically unable to cause illness in healthy individuals because it has been modified in a laboratory to reduce its ability to replicate and cause disease.
  2. Immune Response Activation: Despite being weakened, the live attenuated pathogen is still recognized as foreign by your immune system. This triggers an immune response similar to what would occur during a natural infection.
  3. Production of Antibodies and Memory Cells: Your immune system responds to the presence of the weakened pathogen by producing antibodies, which are proteins that bind to and neutralize the pathogen. Additionally, memory cells are generated as part of the immune response. These memory cells “remember” the specific pathogen encountered and remain in the body, providing long-lasting immunity.
  4. Protection Against Future Infections: Because live attenuated vaccines stimulate a robust immune response, they can provide strong and long-lasting immunity against the targeted disease. If you are exposed to the actual pathogen in the future, your immune system can quickly recognize and mount a rapid response, preventing or minimizing illness.

It’s important to note that live attenuated vaccines should not be administered to individuals with weakened immune systems, as there is a risk that the weakened pathogen in the vaccine could cause illness in these individuals. Additionally, live attenuated vaccines may require refrigeration to maintain their effectiveness, as the weakened pathogens may still be capable of replication to some extent. Examples of live attenuated vaccines include the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and the oral polio vaccine (OPV).

How are Vaccines Made?

Vaccines are developed through a complex process involving several stages, including research, development, testing, and manufacturing. Here’s a general overview of how vaccines are made:

  1. Exploration and Research: Scientists identify a target pathogen (such as a virus or bacterium) that causes a specific disease. They study the biology of the pathogen, including its structure, behavior, and how it interacts with the immune system.
  2. Designing the Vaccine: Based on their understanding of the pathogen, scientists design a vaccine to stimulate the body’s immune response against it. There are several types of vaccines, including live attenuated vaccines, inactivated vaccines, subunit vaccines, mRNA vaccines, and vector vaccines. The type of vaccine chosen depends on factors such as the nature of the pathogen, safety concerns, and the desired immune response.
  3. Preclinical Testing: In this stage, the vaccine candidate is tested in the laboratory and in animal models to evaluate its safety and efficacy. Scientists assess whether the vaccine induces an immune response and protects against the target disease.
  4. Clinical Trials: If the vaccine candidate shows promise in preclinical testing, it progresses to clinical trials, which involve testing the vaccine in humans. Clinical trials typically consist of three phases:
    • Phase I: The vaccine is administered to a small group of healthy volunteers to evaluate its safety and determine the appropriate dosage.
    • Phase II: The vaccine is given to a larger group of people to further assess its safety, immunogenicity (the ability to produce an immune response), and optimal dosage.
    • Phase III: The vaccine is administered to thousands of people to evaluate its safety and efficacy in preventing the target disease. This phase provides crucial data on the vaccine’s effectiveness and potential side effects.
  5. Regulatory Approval: If the vaccine successfully completes all phases of clinical trials and meets safety and efficacy standards, regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the European Medicines Agency (EMA) review the data and decide whether to approve the vaccine for use.
  6. Manufacturing: Once the vaccine receives regulatory approval, it undergoes large-scale manufacturing. This involves producing the vaccine in specialized facilities under strict quality control measures. The manufacturing process may vary depending on the type of vaccine but generally includes growing the pathogen (if it’s a live attenuated or inactivated vaccine), purifying the antigen (the part of the pathogen that stimulates the immune response), and formulating the vaccine for administration.
  7. Distribution and Administration: The manufactured vaccines are distributed to healthcare providers and administered to the public through vaccination programs. Storage and distribution requirements vary depending on the vaccine’s characteristics (e.g., temperature sensitivity).

Throughout this entire process, rigorous testing, quality control, and regulatory oversight are essential to ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of the vaccines produced.

Importance of Vaccination

Vaccination is the most important thing we can do to protect ourselves and our children against ill health. They prevent millions of deaths worldwide every year. Since vaccines were introduced in the UK, diseases like smallpox, polio and tetanus that used to kill or disable millions of people are either gone or are now very rarely seen.

Other diseases like measles and diphtheria have reduced to a very low number of cases each year since vaccines were introduced. These cases are often related to travel. However, if people stop having vaccines, it’s possible for infectious diseases to quickly spread again

Vaccination plays a crucial role in public health and has numerous important benefits:

  1. Disease Prevention: Vaccines are highly effective in preventing infectious diseases caused by bacteria and viruses. By stimulating the immune system to produce antibodies against specific pathogens, vaccines help individuals develop immunity without getting sick from the disease itself.
  2. Eradication and Control of Diseases: Vaccination has been instrumental in eradicating or controlling many deadly diseases. For example, vaccines have played a pivotal role in the near-elimination of diseases such as smallpox and polio in many parts of the world.
  3. Protection of Vulnerable Populations: Vaccination not only protects vaccinated individuals but also helps protect vulnerable populations such as infants, elderly individuals, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems who may be at higher risk of severe complications from infectious diseases.
  4. Community Immunity (Herd Immunity): When a significant portion of a population is vaccinated against a disease, it creates community immunity, also known as herd immunity. This phenomenon helps protect individuals who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons or those for whom vaccines may be less effective. Herd immunity reduces the overall spread of infectious diseases within a community, making outbreaks less likely.
  5. Reduced Healthcare Burden: Vaccination helps reduce the burden on healthcare systems by preventing illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths associated with vaccine-preventable diseases. This leads to lower healthcare costs and fewer resources needed to treat infectious diseases.
  6. Global Health Security: Vaccination is essential for global health security, as infectious diseases can easily spread across borders in our interconnected world. Preventing outbreaks through vaccination efforts helps safeguard global health and security.
  7. Prevention of Antibiotic Resistance: Vaccines help prevent the spread of infectious diseases, reducing the need for antibiotics. This, in turn, helps combat antibiotic resistance, which is a growing global health threat.
  8. Economic Benefits: Vaccination programs offer substantial economic benefits by reducing healthcare costs, increasing productivity (by preventing illness-related work absences), and averting the economic impact of outbreaks and epidemics on communities and economies.

In summary, vaccination is a cornerstone of public health efforts, offering substantial benefits in preventing diseases, protecting vulnerable populations, promoting global health security, and contributing to economic well-being. It remains one of the most effective and cost-effective interventions available to improve public health and save lives.

Vaccine Safety and Efficacy

Vaccine safety and efficacy are paramount considerations in public health efforts worldwide. This section delves into the rigorous processes and monitoring systems employed to assess and maintain the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, ensuring public confidence and trust.

  1. Safety Protocols: Explore the extensive safety protocols implemented at every stage of vaccine development, from preclinical studies to post-market surveillance, to identify and mitigate potential risks.
  2. Clinical Trials: Learn about the phases of clinical trials and the meticulous monitoring of participants to evaluate vaccine safety and efficacy before regulatory approval.
  3. Post-Market Surveillance: Understand the importance of ongoing monitoring of vaccine safety through robust surveillance systems, including reporting adverse events and conducting epidemiological studies.
  4. Adverse Events Reporting: Discover the mechanisms in place for healthcare providers and the public to report adverse events following vaccination, enabling prompt investigation and response.
  5. Risk Communication: Examine strategies for transparent communication of vaccine safety information, addressing concerns, and maintaining public trust in vaccination programs.
  6. Effectiveness Monitoring: Explore methods for assessing vaccine effectiveness in real-world settings, including studies on vaccine impact, coverage rates, and disease incidence reduction.
  7. Global Collaboration: Highlight the significance of international collaboration and data sharing in monitoring vaccine safety and efficacy, facilitating early detection of potential issues and swift intervention.
  8. Public Health Impact: Discuss the broader public health impact of vaccines, including their role in reducing disease burden, hospitalizations, and mortality, and the economic benefits of prevention.

By prioritizing vaccine safety and efficacy through comprehensive research, monitoring, and communication, public health authorities aim to uphold the integrity of vaccination programs and protect the well-being of populations worldwide.

<p>The post Understanding Vaccine Varieties: A Social Pharmacy Perspective first appeared on PHARMA PUSH.</p>

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Define Pandemic and Its Phases according to WHO Fri, 15 Mar 2024 17:03:07 +0000 What is the definition of a Pandemic? A pandemic is an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide ... Read more

<p>The post Define Pandemic and Its Phases according to WHO first appeared on PHARMA PUSH.</p>

What is the definition of a Pandemic?

A pandemic is an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population. Pandemics are usually caused by infectious agents, such as viruses or bacteria, that spread easily from person to person. The term “pandemic” is often used to describe diseases that have global impact and significant public health implications.

Some well-known pandemics in history include the Spanish flu of 1918, which killed millions of people worldwide, and more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which began in late 2019 and continues to affect populations around the globe. Pandemics can have profound social, economic, and health consequences, making them a focus of intense public health efforts to prevent and control their spread.

Stages of Pandemic

The World Health Organization (WHO) has established a framework for defining and characterizing the stages of a pandemic. As of my last update in January 2022, this framework included six phases:

  1. Interpandemic Period: This phase occurs when there are no new cases of the disease in humans. However, there might be cases of the disease in animals that could potentially infect humans. During this period, surveillance systems are active to monitor for any potential emergence of new strains.
  2. Alert Phase: In this phase, a new strain of the disease emerges and infects humans. However, there is limited or no evidence of sustained human-to-human transmission. This phase is characterized by increased surveillance and preparedness activities to monitor and respond to the emerging threat.
  3. Pandemic Alert Phase: This phase is reached when there is evidence of sustained human-to-human transmission of the new strain in one or more countries. This signals that a pandemic could be imminent and triggers heightened response measures to mitigate the spread of the disease.
  4. Pandemic Phase: The pandemic phase is declared when the new strain of the disease is spreading globally with sustained human-to-human transmission in multiple countries. During this phase, widespread outbreaks occur in communities, and efforts focus on containing the spread, treating the sick, and implementing public health measures to minimize the impact of the pandemic.
  5. Transition Phase: This phase marks the period following the peak of the pandemic, where there is a gradual decline in the number of new cases and transmission rates. However, the virus continues to circulate, and efforts shift towards recovery and preparing for future waves or potential pandemics.
  6. Post-pandemic Phase: The post-pandemic phase occurs when the pandemic virus continues to circulate, but at much lower levels compared to the peak of the pandemic. During this phase, the focus shifts to long-term recovery, surveillance, and preparedness for future outbreaks or pandemics.

It’s important to note that these phases are specific to influenza pandemics and may not perfectly align with other types of pandemics caused by different infectious agents. Additionally, the WHO periodically reviews and updates its pandemic preparedness and response framework to reflect new scientific knowledge and experiences gained from managing pandemics. Therefore, it’s recommended to consult the most recent WHO guidelines for the latest information on pandemic phases and response strategies.

History in Pandemic

Throughout history, numerous pandemics have had significant impacts on human populations. Here are some notable examples:

  1. The Black Death (1347-1351): One of the deadliest pandemics in history, the Black Death was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis and resulted in the deaths of an estimated 75-200 million people across Europe, Asia, and Africa. The disease, which was primarily spread by fleas on rats, caused severe fever, chills, and swollen lymph nodes (buboes).
  2. Spanish Flu (1918-1919): The Spanish Flu, caused by the H1N1 influenza virus, infected about one-third of the global population and resulted in an estimated 50 million deaths worldwide. It was characterized by unusually high mortality rates among young adults, as well as rapid transmission facilitated by soldiers returning home from World War I.
  3. Asian Flu (1957-1958): The Asian Flu pandemic was caused by the H2N2 influenza virus and originated in East Asia before spreading globally. It resulted in an estimated 1-2 million deaths worldwide, with significant impacts on healthcare systems and economies.
  4. Hong Kong Flu (1968-1969): The Hong Kong Flu pandemic, caused by the H3N2 influenza virus, originated in China and spread rapidly to other parts of the world. It resulted in an estimated 1-4 million deaths globally, with higher mortality rates among elderly populations.
  5. HIV/AIDS Pandemic (1980s-present): The HIV/AIDS pandemic, caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), has resulted in an estimated 32 million deaths worldwide since the beginning of the epidemic. HIV/AIDS primarily affects the immune system, leading to opportunistic infections and cancers.
  6. H1N1 Influenza Pandemic (2009-2010): The H1N1 influenza pandemic, also known as the swine flu pandemic, emerged in Mexico and spread rapidly to other parts of the world. It resulted in an estimated 151,700-575,400 deaths globally, with disproportionately high mortality rates among young adults and children.
  7. COVID-19 Pandemic (2019-present): The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, emerged in Wuhan, China, in late 2019 and quickly spread to become a global health crisis. As of the most recent data, COVID-19 has resulted in millions of deaths worldwide and has had profound social, economic, and health impacts.

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Prevention: Slowing the Spread of Pandemic Disease

There’s no sure way to prevent the spread of disease during an outbreak, epidemic, or pandemic. It might take scientists a long time to make a vaccine. But it’s easier to make specific vaccines more quickly now than it was several years ago. Once a vaccine is ready, people and groups who are more likely to become ill will get it first. In the meantime, you can take other steps to stay healthy:

  1. Public Health Measures: Implementing public health measures such as social distancing, mask-wearing, and hand hygiene can significantly reduce the transmission of infectious diseases. These measures help limit close contact between individuals and prevent the spread of respiratory droplets, which are a common mode of transmission for many viruses.
  2. Vaccination: Vaccination is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and build immunity within the population. Vaccines stimulate the body’s immune system to recognize and fight off the virus, reducing the likelihood of infection and severe illness. Mass vaccination campaigns are often conducted during pandemics to achieve herd immunity and slow the spread of the disease.
  3. Quarantine and Isolation: Quarantine and isolation measures help prevent the spread of the disease by separating individuals who are infected or exposed to the virus from others. Quarantine applies to individuals who have been exposed to the virus but are not yet showing symptoms, while isolation is for individuals who are confirmed to be infected. These measures help limit further transmission of the virus within the community.
  4. Travel Restrictions: Implementing travel restrictions and border control measures can help reduce the spread of the disease between regions and countries. This includes screening travelers for symptoms, enforcing quarantine measures for incoming travelers from high-risk areas, and limiting non-essential travel.
  5. Enhanced Surveillance and Testing: Enhanced surveillance and testing efforts are essential for early detection, monitoring, and containment of outbreaks. This includes widespread testing for the virus, contact tracing to identify and quarantine individuals who may have been exposed, and monitoring for any changes in transmission patterns or the emergence of new variants.
  6. Healthcare Capacity Building: Strengthening healthcare capacity is critical for managing pandemics effectively. This includes increasing the availability of hospital beds, medical supplies, and healthcare personnel to care for patients, as well as developing surge capacity plans to handle a sudden influx of cases.
  7. Risk Communication and Public Education: Clear and accurate communication with the public is essential for promoting adherence to preventive measures and building trust in public health interventions. Providing timely information about the disease, prevention strategies, and updates on the evolving situation helps empower individuals to protect themselves and others.

By implementing a combination of these strategies, governments and healthcare authorities can work to slow the spread of pandemic diseases and mitigate their impact on communities and healthcare systems.

Pandemic management strategies

Pandemic management involves a combination of strategies aimed at controlling the spread of the disease, mitigating its impact on public health and society, and ensuring effective response and recovery. Here are some key pandemic management strategies:

  1. Early Detection and Surveillance: Rapid detection of cases and monitoring of disease spread are crucial for effective pandemic management. Robust surveillance systems, including testing, contact tracing, and monitoring of symptoms, help identify cases early and track transmission patterns.
  2. Public Health Measures: Implementing and enforcing public health measures such as social distancing, mask-wearing, hand hygiene, and crowd restrictions can help slow the spread of the disease. These measures reduce opportunities for transmission and protect vulnerable populations.
  3. Vaccination: Mass vaccination campaigns are a critical component of pandemic management. Vaccines help build immunity within the population, reduce the severity of illness, and prevent hospitalizations and deaths. Vaccination efforts should prioritize high-risk groups and ensure equitable access to vaccines for all.
  4. Healthcare Preparedness and Capacity Building: Strengthening healthcare capacity is essential for managing surges in cases during a pandemic. This includes increasing hospital bed capacity, stockpiling medical supplies and equipment, training healthcare workers, and developing surge plans to expand healthcare services as needed.
  5. Quarantine and Isolation: Quarantine and isolation measures help prevent the spread of the disease by separating individuals who are infected or exposed to the virus from others. Quarantine applies to individuals who have been exposed to the virus but are not yet showing symptoms, while isolation is for individuals who are confirmed to be infected.
  6. Travel Restrictions and Border Control: Implementing travel restrictions, screening travelers for symptoms, and enforcing quarantine measures for incoming travelers from high-risk areas can help reduce the spread of the disease between regions and countries.
  7. Risk Communication and Public Education: Clear and transparent communication with the public is essential for building trust, promoting adherence to preventive measures, and dispelling misinformation. Providing timely information about the disease, prevention strategies, and updates on the evolving situation helps empower individuals to protect themselves and others.
  8. Collaboration and Coordination: Effective pandemic management requires collaboration and coordination between governments, healthcare authorities, international organizations, and other stakeholders. Sharing data, resources, and expertise helps ensure a unified response and maximizes the impact of interventions.

By implementing a comprehensive and coordinated approach that combines these strategies, governments and healthcare authorities can effectively manage pandemics and minimize their impact on public health and society.


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  1. Serbu J (27 March 2020). “Army Corps sees convention centers as good option to build temporary hospitals”. Federal News Network. Archived from the original on 14 April 2020.
  2. “Black death ‘discriminated’ between victims (ABC News in Science)”. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 29 January 2008. Archived from the original on 20 December 2016. Retrieved 3 November 2008.
  3. “Black Death’s Gene Code Cracked”. Wired. 3 October 2001. Archived from the original on 26 April 2015. Retrieved 12 February 2015.
  4. “Health: De-coding the Black Death”. BBC. 3 October 2001. Archived from the original on 7 July 2017. Retrieved 3 November 2008. DeLeo FR, Hinnebusch BJ (September 2005).
  5. “A plague upon the phagocytes”. Nature Medicine. 11 (9): 927–928. doi:10.1038/nm0905-927. PMID16145573. S2CID31060258. 1918 Pandemics (H1N1 virus).Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved 18 April 2020. Rosenwald MS (7 April 2020).
  6. “History’s deadliest pandemics, from ancient Rome to modern America”. The Washington Post. Archived from the original on 7 April 2020. Retrieved 11 April 2020. “Weekly Virological Update on 05 August 2010”. World Health Organization (WHO). 5 August 2010. Archived from the original on 7 August 2015. Retrieved 8 April 2020. Roychoudhury S, Das A, Sengupta P, Dutta S, Roychoudhury S, Choudhury AP, et al. (December 2020).
  7. “Viral Pandemics of the Last Four Decades: Pathophysiology, Health Impacts and Perspectives”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17 (24): 9411. doi:10.3390/ijerph17249411. PMC7765415. PMID33333995.
  8. “World Health Assembly agrees to launch process to develop historic global accord on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response”. World Health Organization. 1 December 2021. Retrieved 2 December 2021. Cumming-Bruce N (1 December 2021).
  9. “Weekly Virological Update on 05 August 2010”. World Health Organization (WHO). 5 August 2010. Archived from the original on 7 August 2015. Retrieved 8 April 2020.
  10. Roychoudhury S, Das A, Sengupta P, Dutta S, Roychoudhury S, Choudhury AP, et al. (December 2020). “Viral Pandemics of the Last Four Decades: Pathophysiology, Health Impacts and Perspectives”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17 (24): 9411. doi:10.3390/ijerph17249411. PMC7765415. PMID33333995.
  11. “World Health Assembly agrees to launch process to develop historic global accord on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response”. World Health Organization. 1 December 2021. Retrieved 2 December 2021.
  12. Cumming-Bruce N (1 December 2021). “W.H.O. members agree to begin talks on a global pandemic treaty”. The New York Times. ISSN0362-4331. Retrieved 2 December 2021.
  13. “Emergencies: International health regulations and emergency committees”. World Health Organization. 19 December 2019. Retrieved 7 June 2023.
  14. “Zero draft of the WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (“WHO CA+”)” (PDF). World Health Organization – Intergovernmental Negotiating Body. 1 February 2023. Retrieved 7 June 2023.

Further reading

  1. American Lung Association (April 2007). “Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis Fact Sheet”. Archived from the original on 30 November 2006. Retrieved 29 November 2007.
  2. Bancroft EA (October 2007). “Antimicrobial resistance: it’s not just for hospitals”. JAMA. 298 (15): 1803–1804. doi:10.1001/jama.298.15.1803. PMC2536104. PMID17940239.
  3. Brilliant L, Smolinski M, Danzig L, Lipkin WI (January–February 2023). “Inevitable Outbreaks: How to Stop an Age of Spillovers from Becoming an Age of Pandemics”. Foreign Affairs. 102 (1): 126–130, 132–140.
  4. Brook T (November 2020). “Comparative pandemics: the Tudor–Stuart and Wanli–Chongzhen years of pestilence, 1567–1666”. Journal of Global History. 15 (3): 363–379. doi:10.1017/S174002282000025X. S2CID228979855.
  5. Eisenberg M, Mordechai L (December 2020). “The Justinianic plague and global pandemics: The making of the plague concept”. The American Historical Review. 125 (5): 1632–1667. doi:10.1093/ahr/rhaa510.
  6. Honigsbaum M (18 October 2020). “How do pandemics end? In different ways, but it’s never quick and never neat”. The Guardian. ISSN0261-3077. Retrieved 28 October 2020.
  7. Larson E (2007). “Community factors in the development of antibiotic resistance”. Annual Review of Public Health. 28: 435–447. doi:10.1146/annurev.publhealth.28.021406.144020. PMID17094768.
  8. Lietaert Peerbolte BJ (September 2021). “The Book of Revelation: Plagues as Part of the Eschatological Human Condition”. Journal for the Study of the New Testament. SAGE Publications. 44 (1): 75–92. doi:10.1177/0142064X211025496. ISSN1745-5294. S2CID237332665.
  9. McKenna N (September 2020). “Return of the Germs: For more than a century drugs and vaccines made astounding progress against infectious diseases. Now our best defenses may be social changes”. Scientific American. 323 (3): 50–56. What might prevent or lessen [the] possibility [of a virus emerging and finding a favorable human host] is more prosperity more equally distributed – enough that villagers in South Asia need not trap and sell bats to supplement their incomes and that, low-wage workers in the U.S. need not go to work while ill because they have no sick leave
  10. Quammen D (24 August 202). “Did Pangolin Trafficking Cause the Coronavirus Pandemic”. The New Yorker. pp. 26–31 (31). More field research is needed […]. More sampling of wild animals. More scrutiny of genomes. More cognizance of the fact that animal infections can become human infections because humans are animals. We live in a world of viruses, and we have scarcely begun to understand this one. [ COVID-19
  11. “Escaping the ‘Era of Pandemics’: Experts Warn Worse Crises to Come Options Offered to Reduce Risk”. Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. 2020.

<p>The post Define Pandemic and Its Phases according to WHO first appeared on PHARMA PUSH.</p>

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Define Social Pharmacy and its scope in pharmacy easy language Fri, 16 Feb 2024 15:16:19 +0000 What are Social Pharmacy? Social Pharmacy is a branch of Pharmacy which dealing with the role of medicines from social, ... Read more

<p>The post Define Social Pharmacy and its scope in pharmacy easy language first appeared on PHARMA PUSH.</p>

What are Social Pharmacy?

Social Pharmacy is a branch of Pharmacy which dealing with the role of medicines from social, scientific and humanistic perspectives. It examines how social factors, such as culture, socioeconomic status, education, and healthcare policies, influence the use of medications and the outcomes of pharmaceutical care.

Scope of Social Pharmacy

The scope of social pharmacy encompasses a wide range of topics and areas related to the social aspects of medication use, healthcare delivery, and the interaction between medications, individuals, and communities.

  1. Medication Adherence: Understanding the social factors that influence patients’ adherence to medication regimens, including beliefs, attitudes, socioeconomic status, cultural background, and access to healthcare resources.
  2. Health Communication: Examining effective communication strategies between healthcare providers, patients, and caregivers to promote understanding of medication instructions, potential side effects, and the importance of adherence.
  3. Health Inequalities and Disparities: Investigating disparities in access to healthcare and medication use based on factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, income, education, and geographic location, and exploring interventions to address these inequalities.
  4. Pharmaceutical Policy and Regulation: Analyzing the impact of healthcare policies, regulations, and reimbursement systems on medication access, affordability, availability, and utilization, and advocating for policies that promote equitable access to medications.
  5. Patient-Centered Care: Emphasizing the importance of tailoring pharmaceutical care services to meet the individual needs, preferences, and values of patients, and promoting shared decision-making and collaboration between patients and healthcare providers.
  6. Health Promotion and Education: Developing and implementing educational programs and interventions to empower patients and communities to make informed decisions about their health and medication use, and promoting health literacy and self-management skills.
  7. Pharmacoepidemiology: Studying the patterns and determinants of medication use, adverse drug events, and medication-related outcomes at the population level, and identifying risk factors and trends to inform public health interventions and policies.
  8. Health Economics and Outcomes Research: Assessing the economic impact of medication use, healthcare interventions, and pharmaceutical policies on individuals, healthcare systems, and society, and evaluating the cost-effectiveness of different healthcare interventions and pharmaceutical treatments.

The scope of social pharmacy is interdisciplinary and encompasses various dimensions of pharmacy practice, public health, health policy, economics, sociology, psychology, and other fields. It aims to enhance medication safety, improve health outcomes, reduce health disparities, and promote equitable access to quality healthcare for all individuals and communities.

<p>The post Define Social Pharmacy and its scope in pharmacy easy language first appeared on PHARMA PUSH.</p>

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